A RSS reader and web clipper helping users to explore and manage software articles on the internet
🚧 This project is currently undergoing refactoring, so few services are temporarily unavailable 🚧
- V1 Website (Limited feature)
- Chrome Extension (Service down)
The ongoing refactoring is in progress to implement the below design
- Language: Golang, Java, Node.js
- Communication: RESTful API, grpc
- Framework: Spring Boot
- Storage & MQ: Kafka, Redis, MongoDB, MySQL, CloudFirestore
- Monitoring: Grafana, Zipkin, Prometheus, OpenTelemetry
- Software Architecture: Micro Services, Event Driven, DDD
- CICD: Docker
- Cloud Service: EC2, RDS
- Framework : Next.js
- Others : Chrome Extension Development
- JavaScript (ES6) / TypeScript / CSS Modules
- install protoc and go packages, reference from grpc quick start
$ apt install -y protobuf-compiler
$ go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go@v1.28
$ go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc@v1.2
$ export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"
- generate proto and spin up backend services
make start
- spin up frontend service
cd /src/frontend/v2 && npm run dev
(Refactoring ongoing)
On top of the feed page, the tech related keyword would be listed if any. Related Feeds with same keywords would be shown on the bottom
User could enter RSS feed link, medium profile page link or youtube channel link, and get the search outcome with full content
User could subscribe RSS feeds which recommended on the website or shown on the search outcome and get daily updated feeds
User could enter words they interested and get the search outcome with same keyword highlighted in the title / content
User could click to save RSS Feed and use chrome extension to save website clip into their board
User could add highlight on the article and open side panel to see all highlights
User could add tag to the article saved in their board, the tag could be ordered in different folder by drag and drop
User could see all tags in Tag Graph, tag that show in same article would be added connection
Software Development by Kevin Zhang
Email : kevin.zhang.tw@gmail.com
UI / Interaction Deisgn by Kelly Huang
Email : tw.kelly.huang@gmail.com