University of Birmigham SSH Tunnel VPN Client for Windows

Primary LanguageC#

University of Birmingham SSH VPN Client*for Windows*


This application provides a GUI to help you access the University of Birmingham's intranet by tinky-winky (tinky-winky.cs.bham.ac.uk).

Main Window Image

This application is currently under development. There is no guarantee that it works perfectly.


flowchart LR
   Client ==SSH Tunnel==> Mechine ==Transit==> Target

By default, we (Client) visit website (Target) directly without any additional things. However, if we need to enter some specific websites which require some network features (e.g. IP, ASN, etc.), we may need a proxy. This is usually how a VPN gateway does.

3rd Party Components

  • plink licensed under MIT
  • Privoxy licensed under GNU GPLv2