
A game for moves imitating and scoring using scoring process designed by *Dance In Cloud* Team.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Movements Imitating Game with Openpose from Dance In Cloud Team

A game for movements imitating and scoring using scoring process designed by Dance In Cloud Team.


This repo provides a game to do movement imitating scoring and evaluating to test videos based on standard movement videos. You can choose any movement video with single person as the standard video.

This version supports video scoring. You can choose a ready-made video or record a video in advance as standard video. After choosing the standard video, you can record the test video and do the movements in the standard video as well as you can. the framework will do pose estimation, score regression. The score includes dancing movement score and rhythm score. The dancing movement score includes total score and detail scores for each joint.


The scoring process is based on OpenPose. Please configure the OpenPose environment before running this framework.

# After configuring OpenPose, run command to install packages
pip install -r requirements.txt


The interface and scoring process are shown below. The scoring process is obfuscated by pyarmor because of the commercial usage.



(1) Use ready-made video as standard video

  1. Put the target(standard) video into origin_videos folder;

  2. Open origin.py, set camera as False, and change namelist in main into the name of the target video(without .mp4);

  3. Run origin.py, and the rendered video and extracted json files will be generated;

  4. (optional) put a thumbnail of the standard video into origin_pics folder;

  5. Run imitate.py after changing the work directory based on your environment;

  6. Click start recording to record test video, and click show score to get the scores of test video;

  7. The scoring process can be restarted by clicking input box.

(2) Record the standard video

  1. Open origin.py, change namelist into the name of the video to be recording, or set namelist as empty to use default name;

  2. Set the camera as True in origin.py;

  3. Run origin.py to do video recording, and the rendered video and extracted json files will be generated;

  4. (optional) put a thumbnail of the standard video into origin_pics folder;

  5. Run imitate.py after changing the work directory based on your environment;

  6. Click start recording to record test video, and click show score to get the scores of test video;

  7. The scoring process can be restarted by clicking input box.

Quick start

You can watch a scoring demo by setting the pose under if camera branch as False in the photo_score function in imitate.py . The scoring function will use cached json files to do scoring.

def photo_score(ns,camera=True,pose=False,del_all=True,duration=3):
    if camera:
        if del_all:
        pose=True # set as False to use cached json files to do scoring
    if pose:
        pose_obj.openposedemo_json(input_video = imitate_video_path, 
                                   output_json = imitate_json_path)
    return calculate_score.score_print(ns, 


We thank Shanghai Film Art Academy for the standard dancing videos, test dancing videos and official scores for model training.