
Experimental DataSet

  • DAVIS-2016 for moving camera dateset

Data Representation

|-- Data
`-- |-- DAVIS
    `-- |-- Annotations
    |    |   |-- bus
    |    |   |   |-- 00000.jpg
    |    |   |   |-- 00001.jpg
    |    |   |   |-- ... 
    |    |   |-- car-roundabout
    |    |   |-- ...
    |    `-- JPEGImages
    |        |-- bus
    |        |   |-- 00000.jpg
    |        |   |-- 00001.jpg
    |        |   |-- ... 
    |        |-- car-roundabout
    |        |-- ...
    |-- Runs
         `-- |-- bus
             |    |-Fundamental_Matrices_npy
             |            `--  Fundamental_on_frame000.npy
             |               |-- ...
             |    |-KP_Matches
             |            `-- 00000_00001_matches.npz
             |               |-- ...
             |-- car-roundabout
             |-- ...


You need to install the following software/libraries:

  • Notice: We use VGG model to find rough key points and their matching, which significantly reduces complexity in finding matches. So please following DFM documents to create the environment -- "".
  • Otherwise: you are free to use any version of python if you want to use traditional SIFT/SURf/ORB only
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • if you want to either run 3x3 matrix version or 3x5 matrix version, please make sure following:
    • line 48 on (kernel size to corresponded version)
    • line 255 on to corresponded version

Brief Description

This Project is designed to do separation of background and foreground via transformation matrices clustering. Specifically, transformation matrices are calculated from multi-frames SIFT features points. By analyzing and clustering on matrices, we can easily determine which part do feature points belong to. The SLIC algorithm is applied to draw a foreground that has at least one feature point.

This project has proven that our proposed method not only work on Static Cameras but also actually perform well in Moving Cameras.

To Be fixed:

  • Very slow on patch matching if we set feature points threshold super high.(an 80 frames video takes 3 hours to finish collecting all matrices, setting 2k feature points per frame)
  • On validation-set, Loss and Accuracy did not smoothly decrease/increase.
  • when data amount is small, validation amount might be not enough for efficient evaluation, which causes different result during different training. (Maybe try K-folder Validation latter)


  • add option that input could be either 8 frames (per 10 frame as train set, for an 80 frames video) or 10% of total frame date 7/6/2022
  • change CNN to MLP (replace 2nd,3rd CNN with FNN) 7/7/2022
  • change Lewis' SIFT threshold (from 0.65 to 0.4) 7/7/2022
  • update ratio Train/Validate from (0.85:0.15) to (0.82 : 0.18) 7/9/2022
  • Add constrain that we only form a homography matrix within a pixel and its 100 Neighbor 7/10/2022

New Idea:

  • Joint Learning:
    • Idea 1
      • 如果学习的是仿射变换矩阵H, 那么会有一个GT的前景矩阵H可以由GT图提取出来(二值掩图提取)。 输入是一个前一帧的某坐标(x)以及我们得到的一个GT——H矩阵,通过 公式 x' = H @ x 我们能够得到对应下一帧的坐标(x') 既然输出是一个第二幅图的估计坐标,损失函数可以用这个预测坐标判断是否在第二张图的ground-truth的范围里面(通过GT images会有一个bbox) 用简单的Left Min - Right MAX
    • Idea 2
      • 在多尺度下进行联合训练,用scale down的图片同样的方式作匹配得到一系列的运动矩阵,用这系列的矩阵和我们的原尺度图片的系列运动矩阵联合训练
      • 如果因为像素点的减少我们不好找到对应的点所对应的运动矩阵,那么FLIP即是我们的alternative method.
  • NMS
    • Idea 1
    • 现在单单是通过前景点的分布密度来判断是否有异常值(假设点会在前景物体上分布更加密集那么一些离散的点应该被排除)。
    • 然而有没有可能性我们使用NMX的方法来更准确的得到这些前景点并且排除一些干扰项?