Full-featured shopping cart using React, Node, Express, and MongoDB (MERN)

Hosted on Heroku:


note: heroku login can't access server, you can see issue #9 for more details. I've submitted a ticket with heroku.

Loom Video Demo

A really long explanation of Shoop, a full stack ecommerce Bike Shoop - Watch Video


Checkout process: Guides customers through the entire checkout process, including shipping, discount, payment method selection, and order confirmation.

Product search feature: Allows users to search for specific bike by price and specifications.

Custom database seeder script: Prepopulates the database with sample data to streamline development and testing.

Users: Allow users to register, update their account information and view their orders on their profile page.

Reviews: Allows users to leave reviews for products.

Admin Product management: Allows administrators to add, edit, and remove products and categories.

Admin Order Management: Allows administrators to manage orders, marked them as delivered, and view the order history of individual customers.

Features to be added on the frontend

Paypal payment gateway: Allows users to pay for their orders using Paypal.

Better dataset: Update product page with better dataset to include variants, real reviews from JensonUSA website, and higher quality images.


The bike product data is from a previous webscraping project where I used puppeteer to scrape data from JensonUSA.com


You can also download the data from my Kaggle:
