
Python module that allows you to create tasks in Jira by the trigger from Zabbix

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


zabbix-jira is python module that allows you to create tasks in Jira with grafs by the trigger from Zabbix.


  • python >= 2.7
  • python libs: requests, jira


  1. Copy this repo to your zabbix-server: git clone https://github.com/OSidorenkov/zabbix-jira.git
  2. Copy jirabix.py to your Zabbix AlertScriptsPath directory (see your zabbix_server.conf)
  3. Create and configure config.py near jirabix.py. You can take as an example config.py.example from repo.
  4. Install python libs: pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Create new media type in Zabbix:

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If you use Zabbix 3.0 and higher, add this parameters:

  • Add this media to your read user in Zabbix

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Add in "Send to" field jira username (see the profile user in Jira)

  • Configure your Actions:

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Example message:

Last value:{ITEM.VALUE1} ({TIME})
zbx;title:{HOST.HOST} - {TRIGGER.NAME}
Server: {HOSTNAME} ({HOST.IP})


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Example recovery message:

Server: {HOSTNAME} ({HOST.IP})

Problem resolved!

Time of resolved problem: {DATE} {TIME}


zbx;graphs -- enables attached graphs
zbx;graphs_period=10800 -- set graphs period (default - 3600 seconds)
zbx;graphs_width=700 -- set graphs width (default - 900px)
zbx;graphs_height=300 -- set graphs height (default - 300px)
zbx;itemid:{ITEM.ID1} -- define itemid (from trigger) for attach
zbx;title:{HOST.HOST} - {TRIGGER.NAME} -- graph title
zbx;triggerid:{TRIGGER.ID} -- define triggerid to link problem and recovery of event
zbx;priority:{TRIGGER.SEVERITY} -- set priority task like as priority of trigger from Zabbix
zbx;ok:1 -- use this parameter only in RECOVERY message, if you don't want create a new task about recovery in Jira

You can use Jira format text in your actions: https://jira.atlassian.com/secure/WikiRendererHelpAction.jspa?section=all

Test script

You can use the following command to create a ticket in Jira from your command line:
python jirabix.py "jira_username" "ticket_subject" "ticket_desc" where

  • jira_username - username from Jira user profile
  • For ticket_subject and ticket_desc you may use "test" "test"
    • If you want to test real text from zabbix action message copy test/entry.txt from repo and change the contents of the file on your real data and change jirabix.py like this:
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       And run:
      python jirabix.py "jira_username" "ticket_subject


  • See how creates the ticket with graf from Zabbix:

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  • When problem is going to OK, script convert the ticket to "Done" status with comment from zabbix recovery message:

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