Sane-pixma button control is a small script that allows scanners supported by the sane-pixma backend to be controlled by the physical buttons present on the scanners. This allows the scanner to be operated on a headless machine or a server without the need for another machine or network communications. Sane-pixma button control allows for single- or multi-page PDF scans, PNG scans and photocopying (i.e. printing a scan). Requirements: sane-backends with libusb and libpng support. imagemagick. A sane-pixma backend compatible scanner. Setup: The OUTPUT_DIR variable in the script must be set to a valid location. The POLLING_TIMEOUT variable dictates the amount of seconds the script sleeps before checking with the pixma-backend whether a button was pressed on the scanner. The KEEP_ORIGINAL variable can be set to `true` to also save the raw PNG scans. When using Ghostscript >= 9.24 as the backend for ImageMagick's `convert`, ensure that you allow conversion of PDFs by modifying the PDF policy in `/etc/ImageMagick-*/policy.xml`. Usage: Running the script looks for the first available scanner device detected by scanimage. It will poll this scanner repeatedly to check whether a button has been pressed. The polling timeout can be set using the POLLING_TIMEOUT variable found in the script. Based upon the button that was pressed, the scanner will start scanning and output its contents into the directory defined by the OUTPUT_DIR variable. This script has been tested using a Canon CanoScan LiDE 300, using a source build of sane-backends 1.0.29 running on Debian 10 Buster. CanoScan LiDE 300 button mapping and programmed actions: PDF: 4 Scan multi-page / batch PDF Auto Scan: 2 Scan one PNG Copy: 1 Scan one PNG and print via printer Send: 3 Scan final batch PDF page or scan a one page PDF Released under the MIT License
A script allowing for headless operation of sane-pixma compatible scanners