

This project is an Xbox controller tester application built using C#. It allows users to view the status of their Xbox controller in real-time, including the state of analog sticks, triggers, buttons, and motor vibrations.

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Technologies Used

  • C#: The programming language used for developing the application.
  • WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation): For building the graphical user interface.
  • SharpDX.XInput: A library used to interact with the Xbox controller.

Project Structure

The project consists of the following main components:

  • MainWindow.xaml: The XAML file that defines the layout of the application's user interface.
  • MainWindow.xaml.cs: The code-behind file that contains the logic for interacting with the Xbox controller and updating the UI.
  • app.config: Configuration file for application settings (if needed).


Real-Time Controller Status

  • Analog Sticks: Displays the position of the left and right analog sticks.
  • Triggers: Shows the pressure applied to the left and right triggers.
  • Buttons: Indicates the pressed state of all buttons (A, B, X, Y, LB, RB, Start, Back, D-Pad).
  • Motor States: Displays the state of the controller's vibration motors.

How to Run the Project

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd JoystiX
  2. Open in Visual Studio: Open the solution file JoystiX.sln in Visual Studio.

  3. Restore NuGet Packages: Restore the required NuGet packages, especially SharpDX.XInput.

  4. Build and Run: Build the project and run the application. Ensure your Xbox controller is connected.

Premises Assumed

  • The application is designed to run on a local development environment.
  • The user interface should be intuitive and easy to use, with basic validations to ensure data integrity.

Design Decisions

  • ASP.NET Core API: Chosen for its efficiency in creating RESTful APIs, ease of integration, and support for essential middleware configurations.
  • JavaScript: Used for dynamic manipulation of the interface, making the application more responsive and interactive.
  • HTML/CSS: To ensure a semantic structure and good visual presentation of the application.

Bonus Implementations

  • Custom CSS styling for the interface.
  • API following RESTful standards with good naming practices and proper use of HTTP methods.


This project aims to demonstrate skills in web development using C# and ASP.NET Core, along with good coding practices and code organization. The reminder system provides a solid foundation for future expansions and improvements.