
Shiny Dashboards Workshop for R-Ladies Philly

Primary LanguageR


Shiny Dashboards Workshop for R-Ladies Philly

Developed using R version 4.0.3

Folder Structure


  • rladies_shinydashboards.Rproj: R project file
  • utils.R: library installs - can be run using source("utils.R")
  • rladies_shinydashboards.pdf: slide deck for the meet-up


  • *_lyrics.txt: word counts for each song in selected discography
  • *_edges.txt: edge tables for shared words in songs in selected discography for creating networks - not used in these exercises
  • compile_data.R: script used to generate data. All files were generated using the genius and tidytext packages


  • shinydashboard_exercises.Rmd: fill in the blank Rmarkdown file for dashboard exercises
  • shinydashboard_exercises_advanced.Rmd: fill in the blank Rmarkdown file for dashboard exercises - advanced topics
  • app_basic.R: stanadlone example of the basic/blank dashboard


  • shinydashboard_exercises.Rmd: solutions for dashboard exercises
  • shinydashboard_exercises_advanced.Rmd: solutions for dashboard exercises - advanced topics
  • app_advanced.R: standalone version of the advanced app