
My several desktop configuration files (wm, terminal, shell, launcher, etc.)

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Linux Dotfiles

My Desktop Configuration


🎨 Theme Configuration

Manual Theme Selection

You can manually set a theme by executing the following script:

$ ./path/to/script/set_theme.sh [num]

Where [num] corresponds to the theme options:

  • 1 🏙️ Everforest
  • 2 🌄 Gruvbox
  • 3 🌆 Dracula

Automated Theme Switching

Alternatively, you can automate theme changes based on the time of day using a cronjob with environment variables. Here's an example:

# Set up a cronjob to change the theme every day at 7:00, 14:00, and 19:00.


0 7,14,19 * * * $HOME/path/to/script/set_theme.sh

Note: Adjust the paths and environment variables according to your specific setup.

🖇️ Dependencies

You can read about the packages I use on the wiki. To easily set up the dotfiles you can run link_files.sh to make the necessary symlinks.

For the Polybar weather module to work, you should create a ~/.env file, containing your location id and api key. For more information, consult here.

⌨️ Bindings

Show application launcher

bindsym $mod+space exec rofi -show drun

Show opened windows

bindsym Mod1+Tab exec rofi -show window

Launch snipping tool

bindsym Print exec flameshot gui