
"What would you say if I told you there is an app on the market that would tell you if you have a goose or not a goose?" - Jian-Yang, Silicon Valley. A neural network to identify pictures of Canadian Geese!

Primary LanguagePython


"What would you say if I told you there is an app on the market that would tell you if you have a goose or not a goose?" - Jian-Yang


python isGooseTest.py

and enter the path to your jpg file when prompted, such as:


to see if the picture contains a Canadian Goose!

On the validation set, the neural network had a 75% accuracy recognizing geese and a 55% accuracy recognizing non-geese images. As expected, it is much easier to figure out if something is a goose than otherwise, as the subset of not goose is much larger than the subset of goose!