
Primary LanguageTypeScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Liquid Long Position Closure Client


npm install
npm run build

This will copy some dependencies into the output directory and compile the typescript into the same directory.

IPFS Build

start IPFS daemon inside a docker container (note: this step will leave IPFS running, you won't need to repeat in the future)

docker container run -d --restart=on-failure --name ipfs --mount 'type=volume,source=ipfs-export,dst=/export' --mount 'type=volume,source=ipfs,dst=/data/ipfs' -p 4001:4001 -p 8080:8080 ipfs/go-ipfs

build the project inside a docker container (controlled environment)

docker image build --tag liquid-long-client-ipfs-deployer .

copy the files to IPFS volume

docker container run --rm -it --mount 'type=volume,source=ipfs-export,dst=/export' liquid-long-client-ipfs-deployer

hash and pin the files in running IPFS instance

docker container exec -it ipfs ipfs add --recursive --pin=true /export/liquid-long-client


Once built, you can simply serve the output directory. Optionally, you can use http-server which is included as a dev dependency:

npx http-server output

How it works

This project uses ES2015 modules and a shim for the pending ES vNext import maps (https://github.com/WICG/import-maps). There are no existing build tools for this sort of thing, so currently a few NPM scripts are used to copy the necessary dependencies into the build output so they can be found without having to make the entire node_modules directory tree available. There is no bundling done, so it is recommended to host this with an HTTP/2 friendly fileserver (ideally one that automatically manages pre-fetching). Without minification or bundling the whole project comes in at about 206 KB on the wire gzipped spread across ~20 requests (can get down to 1 request with a good HTTP/2 prefetch configuration).