
This orchestrator interfaces with the VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer (ALB) which was formerly known as Avi Vantage from Avi Networks.

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VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer (Avi)

The VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer (formerly Avi Vantage) Orchestrator allows for the management of certificates stored in the VMware NSX ALB solution. Application, System, and CA cert types are supported. Inventory, Management, and Renewal functions are supported.

Integration status: Production - Ready for use in production environments.

About the Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator Extension

This repository contains a Universal Orchestrator Extension which is a plugin to the Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator. Within the Keyfactor Platform, Orchestrators are used to manage “certificate stores” — collections of certificates and roots of trust that are found within and used by various applications.

The Universal Orchestrator is part of the Keyfactor software distribution and is available via the Keyfactor customer portal. For general instructions on installing Extensions, see the “Keyfactor Command Orchestrator Installation and Configuration Guide” section of the Keyfactor documentation. For configuration details of this specific Extension see below in this readme.

The Universal Orchestrator is the successor to the Windows Orchestrator. This Orchestrator Extension plugin only works with the Universal Orchestrator and does not work with the Windows Orchestrator.

Support for VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer (Avi)

VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer (Avi) is supported by Keyfactor for Keyfactor customers. If you have a support issue, please open a support ticket with your Keyfactor representative.

To report a problem or suggest a new feature, use the Issues tab. If you want to contribute actual bug fixes or proposed enhancements, use the Pull requests tab.

Platform Specific Notes

The Keyfactor Universal Orchestrator may be installed on either Windows or Linux based platforms. The certificate operations supported by a capability may vary based what platform the capability is installed on. The table below indicates what capabilities are supported based on which platform the encompassing Universal Orchestrator is running.

Operation Win Linux
Supports Management Add
Supports Management Remove
Supports Create Store
Supports Discovery
Supports Renrollment
Supports Inventory

PAM Integration

This orchestrator extension has the ability to connect to a variety of supported PAM providers to allow for the retrieval of various client hosted secrets right from the orchestrator server itself. This eliminates the need to set up the PAM integration on Keyfactor Command which may be in an environment that the client does not want to have access to their PAM provider.

The secrets that this orchestrator extension supports for use with a PAM Provider are:

Name Description
ServerUsername The username of the user to log on as in VMware NSX ALB.
ServerPassword The password of the user to log on as.

It is not necessary to use a PAM Provider for all of the secrets available above. If a PAM Provider should not be used, simply enter in the actual value to be used, as normal.

If a PAM Provider will be used for one of the fields above, start by referencing the Keyfactor Integration Catalog. The GitHub repo for the PAM Provider to be used contains important information such as the format of the json needed. What follows is an example but does not reflect the json values for all PAM Providers as they have different "instance" and "initialization" parameter names and values.

General PAM Provider Configuration

Example PAM Provider Setup

To use a PAM Provider to resolve a field, in this example the Server Password will be resolved by the Hashicorp-Vault provider, first install the PAM Provider extension from the Keyfactor Integration Catalog on the Universal Orchestrator.

Next, complete configuration of the PAM Provider on the UO by editing the manifest.json of the PAM Provider (e.g. located at extensions/Hashicorp-Vault/manifest.json). The "initialization" parameters need to be entered here:

  "Keyfactor:PAMProviders:Hashicorp-Vault:InitializationInfo": {
    "Host": "",
    "Path": "v1/secret/data",
    "Token": "xxxxxx"

After these values are entered, the Orchestrator needs to be restarted to pick up the configuration. Now the PAM Provider can be used on other Orchestrator Extensions.

Use the PAM Provider

With the PAM Provider configured as an extenion on the UO, a json object can be passed instead of an actual value to resolve the field with a PAM Provider. Consult the Keyfactor Integration Catalog for the specific format of the json object.

To have the Server Password field resolved by the Hashicorp-Vault provider, the corresponding json object from the Hashicorp-Vault extension needs to be copied and filed in with the correct information:


This text would be entered in as the value for the Server Password, instead of entering in the actual password. The Orchestrator will attempt to use the PAM Provider to retrieve the Server Password. If PAM should not be used, just directly enter in the value for the field.

Use Cases

The VMware NSX ALB certificate store type is set up so that each Certificate Store points to a specific NSX ALB instance (and optionally a specific tenant) and certificate type. For multiple certificate types on the same NSX instance, create a certificate store for each type to manage.

Application and System certs are used by NSX ALB for SSL offloading and require private keys. CA certs are used to build and validate certificate chains and do not require private keys.

VMware NSX ALB Configuration

The NSX ALB platform needs some configuration in order to allow the Orchestrator to communicate with it. The listed SSL/TLS certificate under Administration -> Settings -> Access Settings needs to be trusted by the Orchestrator so that HTTPS can be used successfully.

A user also needs to be set up with a password that can be used to authenticate during Orchestrator requests. This user should be a Tenant Admin or Security Admin on the tenant that will be managed. If a user should be used for multiple tenants, they will need to be a system admin. The tenant that they are initially assigned to be will be considered the "default" tenant if no tenant is specified for the certificate store.

VMware NSX ALB Orchestrator Extension Configuration

1. Create the New Certificate Store Type for the NSX orchestrator extension

The easiest way to create the Certificate Store Type is to use the kfutil tool to automatically install the Store Type definition. However, you can manually add it with the information below. In Keyfactor Command create a new Certificate Store Type similar to the one below by clicking Settings (the gear icon in the top right) => Certificate Store Types => Add:

You will also need to add the following Custom Field if you want to be able to set the X-Avi-Version to target a version other than 20.1.1.

2. Create a new NSX Certificate Store

After the Certificate Store Type has been configured, a new NSX Certificate Store can be created. When creating the store, if a tenant other than the API user's default tenant should be used, the Client Machine should be preface with [tenant] in brackets.

Certificate Store parameter Input Alternative Input
Client Machine [optional-tenant-name]https://my.nsx.url/ https://my.nsx.url/
Store Path Application CA (or Controller)
X-Avi-Version 20.1.1 (default value) 18.2.9

3. Adding or Replacing (Renewing) Certificates The required alias acts as the name for the certificate in the VMware NSX ALB system. These are also used to renew/replace and delete existing certificates. When adding a certificate, selecting Overwrite and entering the same name (alias) as an existing certificate will replace that certificate, allowing for renewals of existing certificates.

Additionally, while private keys are optional for CA type certificates, they are required for Application or Controller type certificates.