
yddcutil aims to be a basic universal GUI for managing compliant DCC monitors settings. It takes advantage of ddcutil for query and change monitor settings, and yad is used for the graphical interface.

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Version: 0.1.1

Author: KeyofBlueS

License: GNU General Public License v3.0, https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0


yddcutil aims to be a basic universal GUI for managing compliant DCC monitors settings. It takes advantage of ddcutil for query and change monitor settings, and yad is used for the graphical interface, so in order to use yddcutil you must have yad and ddcutil on your system first. Please be sure to have a working ddcutil setup before trying yddcutil. Refer to http://www.ddcutil.com

yddcutil is at very early stage, just a minority (the most important I think) of DDC features are implemented right now, including some that I can't test. If You want some feature to be implemented, for reporting bugs, give tips ecc... please open an issue at https://github.com/KeyofBlueS/yddcutil/issues


  • Make our own icon set for the graphical interface, I ask you for help on this
  • Implement all possible functions, even here I need Your collaboration


curl -o /tmp/yddcutil.sh 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KeyofBlueS/yddcutil/master/yddcutil.sh'
sudo mkdir -p /opt/yddcutil/
sudo mv /tmp/yddcutil.sh /opt/yddcutil/
sudo chown root:root /opt/yddcutil/yddcutil.sh
sudo chmod 755 /opt/yddcutil/yddcutil.sh
sudo chmod +x /opt/yddcutil/yddcutil.sh
sudo ln -s /opt/yddcutil/yddcutil.sh /usr/local/bin/yddcutil


$ yddcutil

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT --sleep-multiplier and --max-retries options:

Lowering --sleep-multiplier can really make yddcutil faster, but lowering it too much can only make speed worse and increase the chances to get/set incorrect values. In this last case, You could increase --max-retries value to have the possibility to get/set correct values but bear in mind that doing so will make speed even worse. Just find the right balance between --sleep-multiplier and --max-retries options and remember that a monitor could react differently from another one. The default values should be ok for most monitors.

-b, --bus <bus-number>		I2C bus number
-s, --sleep-multiplier <VALUE>	Applies a multiplication factor to the DDC/CI specified sleep times (Default 0.500)
-m, --max-retries <VALUE>	Times setvcp/getvcp must be tried again if their exit status is non zero (Default 15)
-h, --help			Show this help