
Vagrant setup for reddit

Primary LanguageShell


This is a vagrant setup for reddit.

To begin, install vagrant for your platform. https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html If you are on linux, odds are you can just use your package manager to install vagrant.



git clone https://github.com/reddit/reddit-vagrant.git
cd reddit-vagrant
cp vagrant_config.yml.example vagrant_config.yml
vagrant plugin install vagrant-bindfs
vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater
sudo chmod +w /etc/hosts
vagrant up

Afterwards, visit http://reddit.local and enjoy your fresh new local reddit install! By default, the initial username will be "reddit" and password will be "password".


  • Copy vagrant_config.yml.example to vagrant_config.yml. Change values as necessary.
    • Note: If you intend on having your source tree mounted from your host, copy vagrant_config.yml.devexample instead. If you use devexample you must make sure the appropriate folders are in their proper places. Further documentation in vagrant_config.yml
  • Install vagrant (Get the latest from https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html)
  • Install vagrant-bindfs vagrant plugin install vagrant-bindfs
  • Install your preferred vmware provider(VirtualBox, KVM, and VMWare are supported)
    • VirtualBox - works out of the box, install VirtualBox on your host machine.
    • KVM - vagrant plugin install vagrant-kvm (you'll also need libvirt-dev on your host).
    • VMWare - vagrant plugin install vagrant-vmware-fusion (you'll also need vmware-fusion)
    • NOTE - You will also need to choose the appropriate box for a particular provider in your vagrant_config.yml. VirtualBox is default
  • Install vagrant-hostsupdater - this will add the appropriate hosts entries for your local system. vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater. Note::This will require that your hosts file be writeable by the user vagrant is being run as.
  • OPTIONAL, but recommended. Install the cachier plugin for vagrant (vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier). This will make future provisions MUCH faster.
  • Run vagrant up --provider=:provider, wait for it to finish.
  • Visit http://reddit.local and revel in your beautiful new reddit development environment. The default user/pass is reddit/password.


  • Read vagrant_config.yml.
  • Setting testData to false can speed up provisioning times dramatically.
  • Setting nfs to false is a good idea on vmware and windows. For windows you should set smb: true.
  • Read the bash_helpers script for aliases to common commands.
  • If you are not using virtualbox, you can set dhcp to true in your vagrant_config.yml. This will save you headaches if you run multiple vms.

Q & A

  • Why use a config file? (vagrant_config.yml)
    • So your config isn't in git and you can change things willy-nilly.

When Things Go Wrong

If reddit.local cannot be resolved, first check your /etc/hosts file and see if that hostname is in there. If it is not, run vagrant ssh-config inside of your reddit-vagrant folder. You should then add an entry to /etc/hosts that corresponds to the IP address from the command and try again. This happens when the user vagrant is running as does not have access to write to your /etc/hosts file.

If you browse to reddit.local and see a 503 error, run vagrant ssh in your reddit-vagrant folder and then, using your favorite command line text editor, edit the /var/log/upstart/reddit-paster.log log file to see what went wrong.

If vagrant up terminates relatively quickly, shows Stderr: VBoxManage: error: DHCP server already exists, and you are using VirtualBox then run the command VBoxManage dhcpserver remove --netname HostInterfaceNetworking-vboxnet0 and try again. This happens because of a bug in the vagrant-virtualbox plugin. It does not check to see if an existing dhcp server is set up before creating a new one.

If you are using KVM, the most recent version has a bug in it that breaks private networks. Please uninstall vagrant-kvm and reinstall it with the --plugin-version=0.1.7 switch.

First, try to git clean -f -d each of your local source trees. The build process is messy. Then, try a vagrant provision if the install script didn't complete. If that doesn't fix it, as a last resort try a vagrant destroy and then a vagrant up. Sometimes packages don't download properly.

Permission errors in the install script can stem from corrupted or out-of-date source trees. As suggested above, try restoring your local source trees to a clean state via git clean -f -d before running vagrant provision if you're encountering permission errors during the install process.