
Script Usage

You can run this script using below methods:

  1. Providing the params as command line args
  2. Providing the params as Input

1. Providing the params as command line args


  1. Download the zip file to you local machine

  2. Unzip the folder

  3. You shall see a dir name CloudCoverScriptingProject where you exracted the zip file.

  4. Navigate to the CloudCoverScriptingProject.

  5. Run the file using below command and command line args:

    python 30 cc-r ./new_image.json


    30 = Retention Days

    cc-r = Prefix Name to be matched

    ./new_image.json = Full Path to the .json file

  6. You shall see a list of all the objects which are due for deletion.

  7. Similary you can run the providing various values for all the 3 command line args.

2. Providing the params as Input


  1. Download the zip file to you local machine

  2. Unzip the folder

  3. You shall see a dir name CloudCoverScriptingProject where you exracted the zip file.

  4. Navigate to the CloudCoverScriptingProject.

  5. Run the file using below command:


  6. You shall then be promted to provide following Values:

    Please mention the retention days:

    Please mention the prefix string to be matched:

    Please mention the full path to json file:

  7. Provide all the values and you shall get a list of all the objects which are due for deletion.