The Dynamic Shuttle app is a complementary app for the [Dynamic Shuttle Ride app] (https://github.com/Keyurpatel93/DynamicShuttleRide/tree/master). The goal of this application is to emulate the QR scanner that would be used on a shuttle to scan the boarding pass of the passengers. Note, the boarding pass of the passenger is a QR code that was generated by the Dynamic Shuttle Ride application. The scanning of the QR code will allow the driver of the shuttle to be informed of the passengers on board and will also allow for interesting statistics to be gathered. This application can be used to report the average pick-up and drop off delay of the rides. It can also track the amount of rides given and the amount of passengers that boarded the shuttle service. Note, drop-off delay is not yet implemented, as it requires the application to be installed on a shuttle so that it can make use of the GPS signal to recognize when the shuttle reaches a destination.
- A QR scanner that will scan QR codes in any format using either the front facing or rear facing camera of a smartphone.
- A statically summary of the shuttle is generated to inform the driver of the average pick-up delay for the riders, the number of rides given and the number of passengers boarded.
- Hardware:
- Android Device running Android 6.0 or later.
- Software:
- [Zxing QR Library 1] (https://github.com/journeyapps/zxing-android-embedded)
- [Zxing QR Library 2] (https://github.com/dm77/barcodescanner)
- [Butterknife] (http://jakewharton.github.io/butterknife/)
- [Picasso] (https://github.com/square/picasso)
##Permissions Needed:
- android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
- android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Need read/write permission to read and write to a json file that stores data for the application. The json file named “DynamicShuttleRides.txt” which is located at the root of the internal storage, stores information about the rides the shuttle has processed. This is needed to report the statistic about the shuttle as the ride data needs to be saved permanently on the device.
Licensed under the BSD license.