- 0
Renovate python codebase
#275 opened by hendrikmuhs - 1
Fetch all the keys with a specific length
#233 opened by vsraptor - 4
keyvi binary not compiled for m1 mac
#246 opened by YSaxon - 1
Fuzzy match produces wrong results
#244 opened by illegalplumbing - 2
error on pip installing: spinsort,block_indirect_sort, not a member of boost sort
#245 opened by YSaxon - 3
GetFuzzyCompletions: Aborted (core dumped)
#234 opened by plenkl - 0
No errors from `WriteToFile` when output path contains non existent folder
#224 opened by menshikh-iv - 1
Use list of numbers as a key or values
#228 opened by vsraptor - 2
Regex search and more ..
#229 opened by vsraptor - 2
Allow integer list as a key
#225 opened by vsraptor - 4
- 0
- 15
- 4
- 8
Is this statically linking with tpie?
#180 opened by pombredanne - 1
- 5
How to use this library for C++
#183 opened by veronicabasso - 1
- 1
Improve json string -> msgpack
#71 opened by hendrikmuhs - 1
- 4
free(): invalid pointer when using GetFuzzy()
#155 opened by persiyanov - 0
race condition in lazy loading of index
#153 opened by hendrikmuhs - 2
- 0
upgrade pypy builds
#134 opened by hendrikmuhs - 1
keyvi-server reloaded
#76 opened by hendrikmuhs - 0
rust builds broken
#133 opened by hendrikmuhs - 0
Replace boost property tree with rapidjson
#80 opened by hendrikmuhs - 2
No coveralls data on recent builds
#111 opened by hendrikmuhs - 2
- 1
- 0
- 5
- 0
core dump with multiple key update and compile
#92 opened by olpa-cliqz - 0
Intermittent test failure index unit tests
#81 opened by hendrikmuhs - 1
- 0
Use const variables instead of defines
#29 opened by narekgharibyan - 0
Use avx extensions
#75 opened by hendrikmuhs - 0
- 0
Investigate alternative hashing algorithms
#73 opened by hendrikmuhs - 0
Investigate VInt performance improvements
#72 opened by hendrikmuhs - 0
Add -Werror compilation flag.
#68 opened by narekgharibyan