
🎨 A beautifully warm dark theme for Prism.js

Primary LanguageCSS

Horizon for Prism.js

Original theme by Jonathan Olaleye you can found the theme here : https://github.com/jolaleye/horizon-theme-vscode


Original Prism


The stylesheet is not perfect and it was tested only on JSX syntax.

Feel free to submit issues or to fix them by submitting a PR.


  1. Install dependency
> npm i horizon-prismjs-theme


  1. Import it
import 'horizon-prismjs-theme/theme.css';
  1. Write the code sample
// A little peek at Horizon's beauty :)
import React, { Component } from 'react';

class Welcome extends Component {
  render = () => (
      <div className="hello">
        <h1>Welcome to Horizon!</h1>
        <span>Take a moment to just admire it o.O</span>
  1. Enjoy !