I am a student of CSE. I like programming and love to built web apps. I mostly use JavaScript to built web apps and Mobile Apps.
B2GSOFTDhaka , Bangladesh
KhNishad's Following
- adnan614Kodeeo
- ahmmedabir9Cognitus Consulting LLC
- akibulshohagB2GSOFT
- ashraf789Nicosys Co. Ltd.
- bhuiyan0@softwrd
- ForhadxDhaka, Bangladesh
- Hasibul677BABL [Business Accelerate BD Ltd]
- hasinfarhanBUET
- Himel-SarkerDhaka, Bangladesh
- JannatulShongiDream71 Banladesh Ltd
- kausar2697Share Trip
- lanieheiTemporal
- meersajibDirayaah Smart Technologies
- mhabeer96kodeeo
- mobassir94Apsis Solutions Ltd.
- moshfiqrony@worklifeteam
- nayeemhasannahid
- nazir021IUBAT - International University of Business Agriculture and Technology
- nuralam24B2GSOFT
- plab0nOrbitax Bangladesh Ltd
- Rijon1810Jatri Service Limited
- rijwanc007Genuity Systems Ltd.
- scorchSupernovaNext Ventures
- shahidul5SELISE
- shaiful019IDARE
- SR-AkashAKIJ iBOS Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- SumonMSelim@mimecast
- tanvirrbQalqul
- wubrafiq807
- z4yedBJIT Limited