
White-box automation for Lean 4

Primary LanguageLeanApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a work-in-progress proof search tactic for Lean 4.


With elan installed, lake build should suffice.

Adding Aesop to Your Project

To use Aesop in a Lean 4 project, first add this package as a dependency. In your lakefile.lean, add

dependencies := #[
  { name := `aesop
    src := Source.git "https://github.com/JLimperg/aesop" "<current HEAD commit of this repo>" }

Now run lake configure. Unless you use the exact same Lean 4 nightly as this project (see our lean-toolchain), you'll get a warning. If you use a later nightly, you'll probably be fine and Aesop will compile anyway. If not, please open an issue and we'll update the tactic.

You should now be able to use the aesop tactic:

import Aesop

example : α → α :=
  by aesop

TODO Document (and, indeed, find out) how to use Aesop as a plugin.


This section is intended for prospective Aesop users. Aesop is very work in progress and this text may be out of date, so if you have questions, please ping me (Jannis Limperg) on the Lean Zulip.


To get you started, I'll explain Aesop's major concepts with a series of examples. A more thorough, reference-style discussion of follows in the next section.

We first define our own version of lists (so as not to clash with the standard library) and an append function:

inductive MyList (α : Type _)
  | nil
  | cons (hd : α) (tl : MyList α)

namespace MyList

protected def append : (_ _ : MyList α) → MyList α
  | nil, ys => ys
  | cons x xs, ys => cons x (MyList.append xs ys)

instance : Append (MyList α) :=

We also tell simp to unfold applications of append. aesop uses the default simp set when it normalises a goal, so it will automatically pick up these rules as well.

theorem nil_append : nil ++ xs = xs := rfl

theorem cons_append : cons x xs ++ ys = cons x (xs ++ ys) := rfl

Now we define the NonEmpty predicate on MyList:

declare_aesop_rule_sets [MyList.NonEmpty]

@[aesop safe (rule_sets [MyList.NonEmpty]) [constructors, cases]]
inductive NonEmpty : MyList α → Prop
  | cons : NonEmpty (cons x xs)

Here we see the first Aesop features. The declare_aesop_rule_sets command is used to, well, declare Aesop rule sets. These are collections of rules, which roughly correspond to tactics. When Aesop searches for a proof, it systematically applies each available rule, then recursively searches for proofs of the subgoals generated by the rule, and so on. A goal is proved when Aesop applies a rule that generates no subgoals.

The @[aesop] attribute adds two rules for NonEmpty to our new rule set:

  • A constructors rule. This rule tries to apply each constructor of NonEmpty whenever a goal has target NonEmpty _.
  • A cases rule. This rule searches for hypotheses h : NonEmpty _ and performs case analysis on them (like the cases tactic).

constructors and cases are examples of rule builders, which are functions that turn a declaration into a rule.

Both rules above are added as safe rules. When a safe rule succeeds on a goal encountered during the proof search, it is applied and the goal is never revisited thereafter. In other words, the search does not backtrack safe rules. We will later see unsafe rules, which can backtrack.

With these rules, we can prove a theorem about NonEmpty and append:

@[aesop safe apply]
theorem nonEmpty_append {xs : MyList α} ys :
    NonEmpty xs → NonEmpty (xs ++ ys) := by
  aesop (rule_sets [MyList.NonEmpty])

Here we call Aesop with the MyList.NonEmpty rule set, plus some default rule sets which are implicitly enabled (but can be disabled). Aesop finds a proof by introducing the hypothesis h : NonEmpty xs, performing case analysis on h and applying the NonEmpty.cons constructor.

If you want to see how Aesop proves your goal (or more likely, why it doesn't prove your goal or why it takes too long to do so), you can enable tracing:

set_option trace.aesop.steps true

This makes Aesop print out the steps it takes while searching for a proof. There are also other tracing options which autocompletion should show you if you type set_option trace.aesop.

The @[aesop] attribute on nonEmpty_append adds this lemma as a safe rule to the default rule set. For this rule we use the apply rule builder, which generates a rule that tries to apply nonEmpty_append whenever the target is of the form NonEmpty (_ ++ _).

After adding nonEmpty_append, Aesop can now prove consequences of this lemma:

example {α : Type u} {xs : MyList α} ys zs :
    NonEmpty xs → NonEmpty (xs ++ ys ++ zs) := by

Next, we prove another simple theorem about NonEmpty:

theorem nil_not_NonEmpty (xs : MyList α) : xs = nil → ¬ NonEmpty xs := by
  aesop (add unsafe 10% cases MyList, norm unfold Not)
    (rule_sets [MyList.NonEmpty])

Here, we add two rules in an add clause. These rules are not part of a rule set but are added for this Aesop call only. They demonstrate two new features:

  • Unsafe rules are rules which can backtrack. Here we add cases MyList as an unsafe rule because when we perform cases on a hypothesis xs : MyList α, we get hd : α and tl : MyList α. If the rule was safe, we could easily get into an infinite loop where we call cases on tl again, and so on. Unsafe rules, by contrast, are applied 'in parallel', so while we might still end up exploring a proof attempt that performs cases 20 times, other possible rules will also be considered and will hopefully lead us down a more fruitful path.

    To prioritise these different proof attempts, every unsafe rules is annotated with a success probability, here 10%. This should be an estimate of how likely it is that the rule will to lead to a successful proof. This estimate is used to prioritise goals: the initial goal starts with a priority of 100% and whenever we apply an unsafe rule, the priority of its subgoals is the priority of its parent goal times the success probability of the applied rule. So applying our cases MyList rule repeatedly would give us goals with priority 10%, 1%, 0.1% etc. Of course, the success probability of a rule is only a ballpark figure; it is not supposed to be precise in any sense.

  • Norm rules are yet another class of rules. They are used to normalise the goal before any other rules are applied. As part of this normalisation process, we run a variant of simp_all with the global simp set plus Aesop-specific simp lemmas. The unfold builder adds such an Aesop-specific simp lemma which unfolds the Not definition. (This is only necessary because the builtin rules currently do not handle negation very well.)

Here are some other examples where normalisation comes in handy:

@[aesop norm]
theorem nil_append (xs : MyList α) : nil ++ xs = xs := rfl

@[aesop norm]
theorem cons_append (x : α) xs ys : cons x xs ++ ys = cons x (xs ++ ys) := rfl

@[aesop norm]
theorem append_nil {xs : MyList α} :
    xs ++ nil = xs := by
  induction xs <;> aesop

theorem append_assoc {xs ys zs : MyList α} :
    (xs ++ ys) ++ zs = xs ++ (ys ++ zs) := by
  induction xs <;> aesop

After we've added unfolding lemmas for append, Aesop can prove theorems about this function more or less by itself. (For these examples, simp would already suffice.) However, we still need to perform induction explicitly. This is a deliberate design choice: while there are some techniques for automating induction, they are complex and not entirely reliable, so I don't think it makes sense to implement them in a system where users can easily perform induction themselves.

More examples may be found in the tests folder of this repository.


This section contains a systematic and fairly comprehensive account of how Aesop operates.


A rule is a tactic plus some associated metadata. Rules come in three flavours:

  • Normalisation rules (keyword norm) must generate zero or one subgoal. (Zero means that the rule closed the goal). Each normalisation rule is associated with an integer penalty (default 1). Normalisation rules are applied in a fixpoint loop in order of penalty, lowest first. For rules with equal penalties, the order is unspecified. See below for details on the normalisation algorithm.

    Normalisation rules can also be simp lemmas. These are constructed with the unfold or simp builder. They are used by a special simp call during the normalisation process.

  • Safe rules (keyword safe) are applied after normalisation but before any unsafe rules. When a safe rule is successfully applied to a goal, the goal becomes inactive, meaning no other rules are considered for it. Like normalisation rules, safe rules are associated with a penalty (default 1) which determines the order in which the rules are tried.

    Safe rules should be provability-preserving, meaning that if a goal is provable and we apply a safe rule to it, the generated subgoals should still be provable. This is a less precise notion than it may appear since what is provable depends on the entire Aesop rule set.

  • Unsafe rules (keyword unsafe) are tried only if all available safe rules have failed on a goal. When an unsafe rule is applied to a goal, the goal is not marked as inactive, so other (unsafe) rules may be applied to it. These rule applications are considered independently until one of them proves the goal (or until we've exhausted all available rules and determine that the goal is not provable with the current rule set).

    Each unsafe rule has a success probability between 0% and 100%. These probabilities are used to determine the priority of a goal. The initial goal has priority 100% and whenever we apply an unsafe rule, the priorities of its subgoals are the priority of the rule's parent goal times the rule's success probability. Safe rules are treated as having 100% success probability.

Rules can also be multi-rules. These are rules which 'nondeterministically' apply multiple tactics to the goal. Each of these tactics is then considered as one possible way to solve the goal. For example, registering the constructors of the Or type will generate a multi-rule that, given a goal with target A ∨ B, generates one rule application with goal A and one with goal B.

Search Tree

Aesop's central data structure is a search tree. This tree alternates between two kinds of nodes:

  • Goal nodes: these nodes store a goal, plus metadata relevant to the search. The parent and children of a goal node are rule application nodes. In particular, each goal node has a priority between 0% and 100%.
  • Rule application ('rapp') nodes: these goals store a rule (plus metadata). The parent and children of a rapp node are goal nodes. When the search tree contains a rapp node with rule r, parent p and children c₁, ..., cₙ, this means that the tactic of rule r was applied to the goal of p, generating the subgoals of the cᵢ.

When a goal node has multiple child rapp nodes, we have a choice of how to solve the goals. This makes the tree an AND-OR tree: to prove a rapp, all its child goals must be proved; to prove a goal, any of its child rapps must be proved.


We start with a search tree containing a single goal node. This node's goal is the goal which Aesop is supposed to solve. Then we perform the following steps in a loop, stopping if (a) the root goal has been proved; (b) the root goal becomes unprovable; or (c) one of Aesop's rule limits has been reached. (There are configurable limits on, e.g., the total number of rules applied or the search depth.)

  • Pick the highest-priority active goal node G. Roughly speaking, a goal node is active if it is not proved and we haven't yet applied all possible rules to it.

  • If the goal of G has not been normalised yet, normalise it. That means we run the following normalisation loop:

    • Run the normalisation rules with negative penalty (lowest penalty first). If any of these rules is successful, restart the normalisation loop with the goal produced by the rule.
    • Run simp on all hypotheses and the target, using the global simp set (i.e. lemmas tagged @[simp]) plus Aesop's simp rules.
    • Run the normalisation rules with positive penalty (lowest penalty first). If any of these rules is successful, restart the normalisation loop.

    The loop ends when all normalisation rules fail. It destructively updates the goal of G (and may prove it outright).

  • If we haven't tried to apply the safe rules to the goal of G yet, try to apply each safe rule (lowest penalty first). As soon as a rule succeeds, add the corresponding rapp and child goals to the tree and mark G as inactive. The child goals receive the same priority as G.

  • Otherwise there is at least one unsafe rule that hasn't been tried on G yet (or else G would have been inactive). Try the unsafe rule with the highest success probability and if it succeeds, add the corresponding rapp and child goals to the tree. The child goals receive the priority of G times the success probability of the applied rule.

A goal is unprovable if we have applied all possible rules to it and all resulting child rapps are unprovable. A rapp is unprovable if any of its subgoals is unprovable.

During the search, a goal or rapp can also become irrelevant, meaning its provability has no impact on the success of the overall proof search. More formally, irrelevance is characterised by the following conditions:

  • A goal is irrelevant if its parent rapp is unprovable. (This means that a sibling of the goal is already unprovable, in which case we already know that the parent rapp will never be proved.)
  • A rapp is irrelevant if its parent goal is proved. (This means that a sibling of the rapp is already proved, and we only need one proof.)
  • A goal or rapp is irrelevant if any of its ancestors is irrelevant.

Rule Builders

A rule builder is a metaprogram that turns a declaration or hypothesis into an Aesop rule. Currently available builders are:

  • apply: generates a rule which tries to apply the given declaration or hypothesis x to the target. The rule acts like the tactic apply x.

  • forward: when applied to a declaration or hypothesis of type A₁ → ... Aₙ → B, generates a rule which looks for hypotheses h₁ : A₁, ..., hₙ : Aₙ in the goal and, if they are found, adds a new hypothesis h : B. As an example, consider the lemma even_or_odd:

    even_or_odd : ∀ (n : Nat), Even n ∨ Odd n

    Registering this as a forward rule will cause the goal

    n : Nat
    m : Nat
    ⊢ T

    to be transformed into this:

    n : Nat
    hn : Even n ∨ Odd n
    m : Nat
    hm : Even m ∨ Odd m
    ⊢ T

    The forward builder may also be given a list of immediate names:

    (forward (immediate := [n])) even_or_odd 

    The immediate names, here n, refer to the arguments of even_or_odd. When Aesop applies a forward rule with explicit immediate names, it only matches the corresponding arguments to hypotheses. (Here, even_or_odd has only one argument, so there is no difference.)

    When no immediate names are given, Aesop considers every argument immediate, except for instance arguments and dependent arguments (i.e. those that can be inferred from the types of later arguments).

    When a forward rule has been successfully applied, it will not be tried again when processing its subgoals (and their subgoals, etc.). Without this limit, many forward rules would be applied infinitely often.

  • elim: works like forward, but after the rule has been applied, hypotheses that were used as immediate arguments are cleared. As the name suggests, this is useful when you want to eliminate a hypothesis. E.g. the rule

    @[aesop norm elim]
    theorem and_elim_right : α ∧ β → α := ...

    will cause the goal

    h₁ : (α ∧ β) ∧ γ
    h₂ : δ ∧ ε

    to be transformed into

    h₁ : α
    h₂ : δ

    Unlike with forward rules, when an elim rule is successfully applied, it may be applied again to the resulting subgoals (and their subgoals, etc.). There is less danger of infinite cycles because the original hypothesis is cleared.

    However, if the hypothesis or hypotheses to which the elim rule is applied have dependencies, they are not cleared. In this case, you'll probably get an infinite cycle. (TODO fix this.)

  • constructors: when applied to an inductive type or structure T, generates a rule which tries to apply each constructor of T to the target. This is a multi-rule, so if multiple constructors apply, they are considered in parallel. If you use this constructor to build an unsafe rule, each constructor application receives the same success probability; if this is not what you want, add separate apply rules for the constructors.

  • cases: when applied to an inductive type or structure T, generates a rule that performs case analysis on every hypothesis h : T in the context. The rule recurses into subgoals, so cases Or will generate 6 goals when applied to a goal with hypotheses h₁ : A ∨ B ∨ C and h₂ : D ∨ E. However, if T is a recursive type (e.g. List), we only perform case analysis once on each hypothesis. Otherwise we would loop infinitely.

    The patterns option can be used to apply the rule only on hypotheses of a certain shape. E.g. the rule (cases (patterns := [Fin 0])) Fin will perform case analysis only on hypotheses of type Fin 0. Patterns can contain underscores, e.g. 0 ≤ _. Multiple patterns can be given (separated by commas); the rule is then applied whenever at least one of the patterns matches a hypothesis.

  • simp: when applied to an equation eq : A₁ → ... Aₙ → x = y, registers eq as a simp lemma for the builtin simp pass during normalisation. As such, this builder can only build normalisation rules.

  • unfold: when applied to a definition or let hypothesis f, registers f to be unfolded (i.e. replaced with its definition) by the builtin simp pass during normalisation. As such, this builder can only build normalisation rules.

  • tactic: takes a tactic and directly turns it into a rule. The given declaration (the builder does not work for hypotheses) must have type TacticM Unit, Aesop.SimpleRuleTac or Aesop.RuleTac. The latter are Aesop data types which associate a tactic with additional metadata; using them may allow the rule to operate somewhat more efficiently.

    The builder may be given an option uses_branch_state := <boolean> (default true). This indicates whether the given tactic uses the branch state; see below.

    Rule tactics should not be 'no-ops': if a rule tactic is not applicable to a goal, it should fail rather than return the goal unchanged. All no-op rules waste time and no-op norm rules will send normalisation into an infinite loop.

    Normalisation rules may not assign metavariables (other than the goal metavariable) or introduce new metavariables (other than the new goal metavariable). This can be a problem because some Lean tactics, e.g. cases, do so even in cases where you probably would not expect them to. I'm afraid there is currently no good solution for this.

  • default: The default builder. This is the builder used when you register a rule without specifying a builder, but you can also use it explicitly. Depending on the rule's phase, the default builder tries different builders, using the first one that works. These builders are:

    • For safe and unsafe rules: constructors, tactic, apply.
    • For norm rules: constructors, tactic, simp, apply.

Rule Sets

Rule sets are declared with the command

declare_aesop_rule_sets [r₁, ..., rₙ]

where the rᵢ are arbitrary names. To avoid clashes, pick names in the namespace of your package.

Within a rule set, rules are identified by their name, builder and phase (safe/unsafe/norm). This means you can add the same declaration as multiple rules with different builders or in different phases, but not with different priorities or different builder options (if the rule's builder has any options).

Rules can appear in multiple rule sets, but in this case you should make sure that they have the same priority and use the same builder options. Otherwise, Aesop will consider these rules the same and arbitrarily pick one.

The @[aesop] Attribute

Declarations can be added to rule sets by annotating them with the @[aesop] attribute.

Single Rule

In most cases, you'll want to add one rule for the declaration. The syntax for this is

@[aesop <phase>? <priority>? <builder>? <rule_sets>?]


  • <phase> is safe, norm or unsafe. Cannot be omitted except under the conditions in the next bullet.

  • <priority> is:

    • For safe and norm rules, an integer penalty. Can be omitted, in which case the penalty defaults to 1.
    • For unsafe rules, a percentage between 0% and 100%. Cannot be omitted. You may omit the unsafe phase specification when giving a percentage.
  • <builder> is one of the builders given above. If you want to pass options to a builder, write it like this (with mandatory parentheses):

    (tactic (uses_branch_state := true))

    If no builder is specified, the default builder for the given phase is used.

  • <rule_sets> is a clause of the form

    (rule_sets [r₁, ..., rₙ])

    where the rᵢ are declared rule sets. (Parentheses are mandatory.) The rule is added exactly to the specified rule sets. If this clause is omitted, it defaults to (rule_sets [default]).

Multiple Rules

It is occasionally useful to add multiple rules for a single declaration, e.g. a cases and a constructors rule for the same inductive type. In this case, you can write for example

@[aesop unsafe [constructors 75%, cases 90%]]
inductive T ...

@[aesop apply [safe (rule_sets [A]), 70% (rule_sets [B])]]
def foo ...

@[aesop [80% apply, safe 5 (forward (immediate := x))]]
def bar (x : T) ...

In the first example, two unsafe rules for T are registered, one with success probability 75% and one with 90%.

In the second example, two rules are registered for foo. Both use the apply builder. The first, a safe rule with default penalty, is added to rule set A. The second, an unsafe rule with 70% success probability, is added to rule set B.

In the third example, two rules are registered for bar: an unsafe rule with 80% success probability using the apply builder and a safe rule with penalty 5 using the forward builder.

In general, the grammar for the @[aesop] attribute is

attr      ::= @[aesop <rule_expr>]
            | @[aesop [<rule_expr,+>]]

rule_expr ::= feature
            | feature <rule_expr>
            | feature [<rule_expr,+>]

where feature is a phase, priority, builder or rule_sets clause. This grammar yields one or more trees of features and each branch of these trees specifies one rule. (A branch is a list of features.)

Erasing Rules

There are two ways to erase rules. Usually it suffices to remove the @[aesop] attribute:

attribute [-aesop] foo

This will remove all rules associated with the declaration foo from all rule sets.

When you want to remove only certain rules, you can use a command:

erase_aesop_rules [safe apply foo, bar (rule_sets [A])]

This will remove:

  • all safe rules for foo with the apply builder from all rule sets (but not other, for example, unsafe rules or forward rules);
  • all rules for bar from rule set A.

In general, the syntax is

erase_aesop_rules [<rule_expr,+>]

i.e. rules are specified in the same way as for the @[aesop] attribute. However, each rule must also specify the name of the declaration whose rules should be erased. The rule_expr grammar is therefore extended such that a feature can also be the name of a declaration.

Note that a rule added with one of the default builders (safe_default, norm_default, unsafe_default) will be registered under the name of the builder that is ultimately used, e.g. apply or simp. So if you want to erase such a rule, you may have to specify that builder instead of the default builder.

The aesop Tactic

In its most basic form, you can call the Aesop tactic just by writing

example : α → α := by

This will use the rules in the default rule set (i.e. those added via the attribute with no explicit rule set specified) and the rules in the builtin rule set (i.e. those provided by Aesop itself).

The tactic's behaviour can also be customised with various options. A more involved Aesop call might look like this:

  (add safe foo, 10% cases Or, safe cases Empty)
  (erase A [cases, constructors], baz)
  (rule_sets [A, B])
  (options := { maxRuleApplicationDepth := 10 })

Here we add some rules with an add clause, erase other rules with an erase clause, limit the used rule sets and set some options. Each of these clauses is discussed in more detail below.

Adding Rules

Rules can be added to an Aesop call with an add clause. This won't affect any declared rule sets. The syntax of the add clause is

(add <rule_expr,+>)

i.e. rules can be specified in the same way as for the @[aesop] attribute. As with the erase_aesop_rules command, each rule must specify the name of declaration from which the rule should be built; for example

(add safe [foo 1, bar 5])

will add the declaration foo as a safe rule with penalty 1 and bar as a safe rule with penalty 5.

The rule names can also refer to hypotheses in the goal context, but not all builders support this.

Erasing Rules

Rules can be removed from an Aesop call with an erase clause. Again, this affects only the current Aesop call and not the declared rule sets. The syntax of the erase clause is

(erase <rule_expr,+>)

and it works exactly like the erase_aesop_rules command.

Selecting Rule Sets

By default, Aesop uses the default and builtin rule sets. A rule_sets clause can be given to include additional rule sets, e.g.

(rule_sets [A, B])

This will use rule sets A, B, default and builtin. Rule sets can also be disabled with rule_sets [-default, -builtin].

Setting Options

Various options can be set with an options clause, whose syntax is:

(options <term>)

The term is an arbitrary Lean expression of type Aesop.Options; see there for details.

Builtin Rules

The set of builtin rules (those in the builtin rule set) is currently quite unstable, so for now I won't document them in detail. See Aesop/BuiltinRules.lean and Aesop/BuiltinRules/*.lean


To see how Aesop proves a goal -- or why it doesn't prove a goal, or why it's slow to prove a goal -- it is useful to see what it's doing. To that end, you can enable various tracing options. These use the usual syntax, e.g.

set_option trace.aesop.steps true

The main options are:

  • trace.aesop.steps: print a step-by-step log of which goals Aesop tried to solve, which rules it tried to apply (successfully or unsuccessfully), etc. You can customise the output by setting various sub-options, e.g. trace.aesop.steps.normalization will show which normalisation rules were applied. When you autocomplete set_option trace.aesop.steps., you should get a full list of available sub-options.
  • trace.aesop.ruleSet: print the rule set used for an Aesop call.
  • trace.aesop.profile: print some information about where Aesop spent its time.
  • trace.aesop.proof: if Aesop is successful, print the proof that was generated (as a Lean term).

Checking Internal Invariants

If you encounter behaviour that looks like an internal error in Aesop, it may help to set the option aesop.check.all (or the more fine-grained aesop.check.* options). This makes Aesop check various invariants while the tactic is running. These checks are somewhat expensive, so remember to unset the option after you've reported the bug.

Advanced Features of the Search Algorithm

Duplication of Local Hypotheses

When you use an add clause to register a local hypothesis as a rule, the hypothesis is duplicated to ensure that it will remain available regardless of which other rules are applied to the goal. E.g. when you have a hypothesis h : A ∧ B which you register as an apply rule, and you also have a cases rule for And, we want to make sure that h is not destroyed by the cases rule. To do this, we create a new hypothesis _local.h : A ∧ B and register that hypothesis as an apply rule. We also mark _local.h as an auxDecl to make sure that most tactics will ignore it; e.g. it will not be found by assumption.

Branch State

