Interstella [SP]

  • Category: School Project
  • Status: Discontinued


This project is a retroshooting game written in javaFX. This was a school project in team of 2.
Skins and universe are inspired from Daft Punk Interstella 555.

Goal / Requirements

We were free to pick any subject we wanted, but we had to make a program with JavaFX. In fact a game was the best kind of project so that's what we went for.

This project is an introduction to writing graphical application in general and here with java.
It was about writing correct OOP application, respecting OOP principle and design patterns.

We took particular care about writing a well written application.
However, the project as it is right now could need a lot of improvement.

  • Game balance
  • Enemy spaceships trajectory
  • Healthbar
  • Sounds effect
  • Fixes and performance improvement


  • Java
  • Java FX
  • FXML
  • Threads
  • JSON (gson)
  • SQLite
  • OOP Principles

We tried to follow Object Oriented Programming principles such as:

    • Single-responsibility Principle
    • Open-closed Principle
    • Liskov Substitution Principle
    • Interface Segregation Principle
    • Dependency Inversion Principle
  • Separation of Concerns

We also tried to implement some of OOP design patterns (factory, strategy, chain of responsability...)

There is a SQLITE embeded DB to handle things like storing scores and settings.