
NewsApp is an MVVM Jetpack Compose app built by android platform using kotlin as programming language.

Primary LanguageKotlin


NewsApp is an MVVM Jetpack Compose app built by android platform using kotlin as programming language.

  • fetches news from an API https://newsapi.org/ and cache the results
  • support searching news
  • support dividing news by categories

Libraries And Technologies used

  • Jetpack Compose for UI
  • Compose navigation
  • MVVM: Android architecture used to separate logic code from ui and save the application state in case the configuration changes.
  • Material3 Design
  • Retrofit + Gson Converter: Fetch news from rest api as a gson file and convert it to a kotlin object.
  • Coroutines: Executing some code in the background
  • Dagger hilt: Dependency injection
  • Coil: loading images with Jetpack Compose