
The Web Scraping project which extracts information of WorldCup 2019 from CricInfo Website and present it in various formats : Excel sheet, pdf score cards.


  • The purpose of this project is to extract information of worldcup 2019 from cricinfo and present that in the form of excel and pdf scorecards
  • The real purpose is to learn how to extract information and get experience with js
  • Another good reason is to have fun by making this cool project.

Tech Stack and Commands for installing the npm modules

  • Javascript
  • Node Modules:
    • minimist: Takes the input from command line

      npm install minimist

    • axios: For making http request from the browser

      npm install axios

    • jsdom: Library which interacts with the assembled HTML like a browser

      npm install jsdom

    • excel4node: For making excel files

      npm install excel4node

    • pdf-lib: Used to make pdf score cards

      npm install pdf-lib