PLD Compilateur


A compiler for a subset of C written in C++ using ANTLR4 for parsing.

Table of Contents


  • ANTLR4: This is used for generating the parser for the C compiler. You can install it using your distribution's package manager or by running the provided shell script:

  • A C++ compiler: This is used to compile the C++ code in the project. The project has been tested with GCC on Linux.


To use the C compiler, follow these steps:

Build the project by running make in the compiler/ directory. This will generate the parser using ANTLR and compile the C++ code.

Run the compiler on a C file by using the following command:

./ifcc <filename>

Replace <filename> with the path to the C file you want to compile. The C file should contain a main function that returns an integer.

For example, if you have a file test.c in the compiler/ directory that contains the following code:

You can compile it by running: ./ifcc test.c

This will generate assembly code for the C program.

Please note that the compiler currently only supports a minimal subset of the C language.

Supported functionalities

  • Declaration of variables of type INT and CHAR
  • Basic arithmetic operations with priorities :
    • Addition
    • Subtraction
    • Multiplication
  • Division and modulus
  • Bitwise logical operations: OR (|), AND (&), XOR (ˆ)
  • Comparison operations: Equal (==), Not equal (!=), Less than (<), Greater than (>)
  • Declaration of variables anywhere
  • Assignment (which also returns a value in C)
  • Use of standard functions putchar and getchar for input/output
  • Definition of functions with parameters, and return type int or void
  • Checking the consistency of function calls and their parameters
  • Block structure using { and }
  • Control structures: if, else, while
  • Support for return expression anywhere
  • Verification that a used variable has been declared
  • Verification that a variable is not declared multiple times
  • Verification that a declared variable is used
  • Simple constant propagation
  • Support of the char data type (8-bit integer)
  • Ability to initialize a variable at the time of its declaration
  • Assignment operators +=, -=, etc., increment ++ and decrement operators --

Under development

  • Support for variable scopes and shadowing
  • Retargeting to multiple architectures: X86 , ARM


MIT license


To run the tests please go to the tests Folder and execute the following command: python3 [Path to the tests you want to compile]

For the tests that does contain getchar() functions you will have to enter the same inputs for the ifcc assembly code and the Gcc assembly code to make the tests relevant.

Note that the more complex tests will be found in the priorities folder.


For those who are on WSL : please run this command before running all the tests :
