Tutorials and codes for many problems on various online judges

ID Online Judge Problem code Problem Name Tags Link to my code
1 ICPC Live Archive 2045 Closest Common Ancestors Graph, Lowest Commmon Ancestor, Sparse Table Link
2 LightOj 1034 Hit the Light Switches Graphs, Topological sorting, Strongly Connected Components Link
3 LightOj 1168 Wishing Snake Graphs, Strongly Connected Component Link
4 LightOj 1210 Efficient Traffic System Graphs, Strongly Connected Component Link
5 LightOj 1002 HCountry Roads Graphs, Minimum Spannig Tree, Kruskal Link
6 LightOj 1029 Civil and Evil Engineer Graphs, Minimum Spannig Tree, Kruskal Link
7 LightOj 1040 Donation Graphs, Minimum Spannig Tree, Kruskal Link
8 LightOj 1041 Road Construction Graphs, Minimum Spannig Tree, Kruskal Link
9 LightOj 1059 Air Ports Graphs, Minimum Spannig Tree, Kruskal Link
10 SPOJ MELE3 MELE3 Graphs - Shortest paths - Dijkstra Link
11 SPOJ CAPCITY Capital City Graphs, Strongly Connected Component Link
12 SPOJ GIVEAWAY Give Away Data Structures, SQRT Decomposition, Binary Search Link
13 SPOJ MCARDS Card Sorting Dynamic Programming, Longest Increasing subsequence Link
14 SPOJ QUEEN Wandering Queen Graphs, BFS Link
15 SPOJ ROHAAN Defend The Rohan Graphs, all pairs shortest paths, floyd Link
16 SPOJ TFRIENDS True Friends Graphs, Strongly Connected Component Link
17 SPOJ TRAFFICN Traffic Network Graphs, shortest paths, dijkstra Link
18 UVA 10048 Audiophobia Graphs, Minimum Spanning Tree, Kruskal Link
19 UVA 10131 Is Bigger Smarter? Dynamic Programming - Longest Increasing subsequence Link
20 UVA 10422 Knights in FEN Graphs, Single Source Shortest Path, BFS Link
21 UVA 10611 The Playboy Chimp Binary Search Link
22 UVA 10842 Traffic Flow Graphs, Minimum Spanning Tree, Kruskal Link
23 UVA 10938 Flea circus Graphs, Lowest Common Ancestor, Sparse Table Link
24 UVA 11428 Cubes Binary Search Link
25 UVA 11456 Trainsorting Dynamic Programming, Longest Increasing Subsequence, Longest Decreasing Subsequence Link
26 UVA 11631 Dark roads Graphs, Minimum Spanngin Tree, Kruskal Link
27 UVA 11693 Speedy Escape Graphs, Single Source Shortest Path, Dijkstra Link
28 UVA 11792 Krochanska is Here! Graphs, Single Source Shortest Path, BFS Link
29 UVA 11974 Switch The Lights Dynamic Programming, Bit mask Link
30 UVA 11990 ``Dynamic'' Inversion Data Structures, Square Root Decomposition, Binary Search Link
31 UVA 12032 The Monkey and the Oiled Bamboo Binary Search Link
32 UVA 12238 Ants Colony Graphs, Lowest Common Ancestor, Sparse Table Link
33 UVA 1747 Heavy Cycle Edges Graphs, Minimum Spanngin Tree, Kruskal Link
34 UVA 459 Graph Connectivity Graphs, DFS Link
35 UVA 928 Eternal Truths Graphs, BFS, Shortest Paths, Single Source Shortest Path Link