
Manage events, and attend real-time conferences and chats. Built with Python, Django Rest Framework, and Django Channels.

Primary LanguagePython


  • Manage events and talks.
  • Real-time events and chats.

How to Run

  • Set the environment variables: cp -r .env.example/ .env/

  • Run for production: docker compose up -d --build

  • Run for development:

    • chmod +x app/entrypoints/entrypoint-dev.sh
    • chmod +x app/entrypoints/entrypoint-dev-celery.sh
    • docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d --build
  • Stopping the containers: docker compose down


Running the tests (Only in the development container)

docker compose exec django-asgi pytest

API docs (Only in the development container)

Publishing a stream

  • From the speaker account, get the talk stream key from /api/v1/talks/{talk_id}/key/.
  • Use WHIP protocol for ingestion (WebRTC-HTTP Ingestion Protocol)
    • Send a post request to /rtc/v1/whip/?app=live&stream=talk_id&token=stream_key. The body must contain the local SDP. The content type must be application/sdp.
    • The server will respond with the remote SDP.
    • Note that the event must be published, and the talk must be ongoing and approved by the speaker.

Playing a stream

  • Get a key from /api/v1/users/{username}/play-stream-key/.
  • Play the stream using the HLS protocol. Stream URL: /live/talk_id.m3u8?token=play_stream_key.
    • Note that the user should have booked the event to be able to play its talks.


  • Get a key from /api/v1/users/{username}/chat-key/.
  • Open a WebSocket connection with ws/chats/talks/{talk_id}/?token=chat_key.
  • To send a message, send a json object of the form {"message": "value"}.
