
Some of c projects.

Primary LanguageC


Some of c projects.


It is required to write a program that will create and maintain the data base of a company. The data base includes five fields which are the names of the employees, their phone numbers, their e-mails, their birth dates and their current job titles. The program should enable the user to use the following functions:

  1. ADD: Using this function, the user can add the data of a new employee field by field.
  2. LOAD: Using this function, the user can add the data of a new employee by reading it from a text file. The data should be written as: “Adam Mohamed, 01122334455, AdamMohamed.19@gmail.com, 1/1/1980, Sales Manager” Where each field is separated by a comma from the one before.
  3. DELETE: Using this function, the user can delete the data of any employee by just specifying his name.
  4. SAVE: Using this function, the user can write the whole data base in a text file with the same format mentioned in the LOAD function. The data should be printed alphabetically ordered, from A to Z. 4 | P a g e
  5. SEARCH: Using this function, the user can get the data of any employee by just knowing his name. Data should be printed on the console.
  6. MODIFY: Using this function, the user can modify the data of any employee by being asked about his name and required field to be modified. The name and birthdate shouldn’t be allowed to be changed.
  7. QUIT: Using this function, the user can exit the program. However, he should be asked first wither to save, exit without saving or staying.


It is required to create a Paint on console program. When the user opens the program, a menu appears where he is asked to choose Free paint, drawing geometrical figures or exiting the program.

1. Free paint:

The user should be able to: a. Draw whatever he wants using the mouse. b. Erase any part of what he drew using mouse. c. Choose any color to draw with “at least 5 colors”. d. Change the color of what he had drawn. e. Clear the whole screen by pressing a Clear button using the mouse. f. Return to the main menu by pressing a Home button using the mouse.

2. Geometrical Figures:

The user should be able to: a. Draw geometrical figures as lines, squares, rectangles, triangles and circles using keyboard. b. Specify the dimensions of each figure using keyboard. c. Choose any color to draw with using keyboard. 8 | P a g e d. Move the figure he had drawn. e. Change the color of the figure he had drawn using keyboard. f. Clear the whole screen by pressing a Clear button using the mouse. g. Return to the main menu by pressing a Home button using the mouse. 3. Exit: If pressed, the user is asked “Are you sure you want to quit?” and he choose to press either Yes or No buttons using mouse.


Implementation of stack using Array.


Implementation of stack using Linked_list