
A python implementation of a simple yet effective algorithm for detecting humans in low-res thermal images that are usually captured using FLIR cameras such as FLIR Lepton and FLIR One.

Primary LanguagePython

Human Detection in Low Resolution Thermal Image Cameras (FLIR Lepton)

This code demonstartes a hand-crafted image processing algorithm for detecting humans in low-res thermal images that are usually captured using FLIR cameras such as FLIR Lepton and FLIR One.


  • Python 2.x
  • Numpy 1.13.x
  • OpenCV 2.4.x
  • Tqdm 4.14.0


  • data_utils.py: Utlitiy functions used for serving the main functionality of the code.
  • human_detector.py: The building blocks of human detection algorithm.
  • main.py: Sample code to test the functionality of the human detection algorithm on a given folder of raw radimetry data in .txt files.


  • In order to test the human detection algorithm on your raw radimoetry data folder, run the main.py script. For more information on the available options/argument to pass to the script, run the following command:
python main.py --help