Week 5 Moronic Monday


  • Can we review form_for again (also it's use in conjunction with validations)?
  • Can you explain again what's happening in this line? <div class="field"<%= ' field_with_errors' if @post.errors[:content].any? %>"> ...
  • Where does the form_tag path need to point to? The examples always have it pointing to an index path even though it's loading a form for new or edit routes. Does it matter since it's just loading a form?
  • Can we unpack how Patch works


  • What would the SQL statement for a "new" action look like? I think it's technically a 'get' method, but what would you be selecting?
  • What is the difference between delete and destroy?

Nested Associations

  • Can we go over the Forms and Basic Association labs (the one with Song, Artist, Genre, Note)? There are a lot of moving parts that I can't seem to replicate correctly from previous examples.
  • How do you display data from associated models that are nested.