
A sample flask app that covers APIs best practices and concepts like authentication, authorization, user session management using redis.

Primary LanguagePython


A flask app with the following features and concepts implemented,

- User sign up using full name and email
- Email randomly generated password on sign up
- Sign in the user using randomly generated password
- Token based authentication for the RESTful APIs
- Filtering, Pagination and Sorting for RESTful APIs
- Flask, SQLAlchemy, Marshmallow based RESTful CRUD APIs
- Data validation on POST/PUT RESTful APIs
- Users session management with Redis
- Redis connection pool configuariton and handling
- SQLAlchemy connection pool configuariton and handling
- Flask based app project folders and files structure

App Tech Stack:

The app is using following tools and technologies,

Tools & Technologies Description
Flask A micro web framework based on Python.
MySQL An open-source relational database.
SQLAlchemy An open-source object-relational mapper for python.
Marshmallow A python library for data validation, serialization and deserialization.
Redis An open source in-memory data structure store.
Docker An open source containerization platform.

Project folders and files structure:

flask-sample-app/                  # Project foler
        middlewares/                        # It contains decorator files.
        blueprints/                         # It contains restful api endpoints files.
        schemas/                            # It contains schemas files for data validation, serialization and desrialization.
        models/                             # It contains ORM models files.
        utils/                              # It contains common utils funcs files.
        core/                               # It contains core settings files for App or database.
        main.py                             # It's the main app file.

Postman collection:

The RESTful APIs postman collection for the sample project is available as well as the documentation.

RESTful API endpoints:

The RESTful API endpoints are as follows,

- Temporary API endpoint,
    - [GET] / : hello world!

- RESTful API endpoints for database status,
    - [GET] /db_status : show database status

- RESTful API endpoints for signup/signin/signout,
    - [POST] accounts/signup  : signup user
    - [POST] accounts/signin  : signin user
    - [GET]  accounts/signout : signout user

- RESTful API endpoints for users session management,
    - [GET]    accounts/sessions : user sessions count including current
    - [DELETE] accounts/sessions : delete user sessions except current

- RESTful API endpoints for vehicle categories,
    - [GET]    categories/ : list categories
    - [POST]   categories/ : create category
    - [GET]    categories/<category_id> : view category
    - [PUT]    categories/<category_id> : update category
    - [DELETE] categories/<category_id> : delete category

- RESTful API endpoints for vehicles,
    - [GET]    vehicles/ : list vehicles
    - [POST]   vehicles/ : create vehicle
    - [GET]    vehicles/<vehicle_id> : view vehicle
    - [PUT]    vehicles/<vehicle_id> : update vehicle
    - [DELETE] vehicles/<vehicle_id> : delete vehicle 

To run app on a local machine:

1. Create virtualenv in the project directory(first time only).

virtualenv venv

2. Activate virtualenv(each time).

source venv/bin/activate

3. Install libraries(first time only).

pip install flask sqlalchemy marshmallow PyMySQL[rsa] pyjwt[crypto] python-dotenv flask-cors redis
pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Run MySQL database server on docker.

docker compose up -d

5. Create and set following environment variables in .env file.

# Set flask variables.
HOST = ''
PORT = 5000

# Set database variables.

# Set mail server variables.

# Set RSA512 encryption keys.

6. Set FLASK_ENV variable to development.

export FLASK_ENV=development

7. Run flask app.

python app/main.py