
For my assignment

Primary LanguagePython

Particle Simulation

Running the simulation

  • Set your desired input in the globals.py file
  • Run the simulation in main.py


Class Description
Globals Handles all the input values from the user
Initial State Initialize the task according to the condition set
SimulationMath Handles all the physics and mathematics related calculation for the simulation
Concentration Handles all the concentration related for the simulation

Task A

List of variables that needs to be set

Variables Description Type Options (example)
self.task Sets the task for our simulation (Please make sure that it is capitalized) str A
self.Np Sets the number of particles involved in the simulation int 150000
self.h Sets the time step for our simulation float 0.01
self.tEnd Sets the time length for our simulation float 0.2
self.grid_size Sets the grid size for our concentration plot int 100
self.radius Sets the radius of our circle in the simulation float 0.2
Sets the offset of the circle from the origin in the simulation float 0.4, 0.4
Sets the boundary condition for x-axis float -1.0, 1.0
Sets the boundary condition for y-axis float -1.0, 1.0
self.D Sets the diffusivity of our substance float 0.1
self.include_velocity Include the velocity in our simulation boolean True/False
self.plot_2D_particle (OPTIONAL) Visualize the particle scatter plot boolean True/False

Task B

List of variables that needs to be set

Variables Description Type Options (example)
self.task Sets the task for our simulation (Please make sure that it is capitalized) str B
self.Np Sets the number of particles involved in the simulation int 150000
self.h Sets the time step for our simulation float 0.01
self.tEnd Sets the time length for our simulation, since we are plotting against reference solution
tEnd must be 0.2
float 0.2
self.grid_size Sets the grid size for our concentration plot
By default, self.Ny = 1
int 100
self.rmse_plot Plots the RMSE against parameter (Np and h) with 10 repitions boolean False

Task D

List of variables that needs to be set

Variables Description Type Options (example)
self.task Sets the task for our simulation (Please make sure that it is capitalized) str D
self.Np Sets the number of particles involved in the simulation int 150000
self.h Sets the time step for our simulation float 0.01
self.tEnd Sets the time length for our simulation float 0.2
self.grid_size Sets the grid size for our concentration plot int 100

By default, self.offset_x, self.offset_y, self.radius, self.D, self.include_velocity has already been locally set inside 'task_d.py`

Task E

  • Can have the same configuration as task A but self.task = 'E'

NOTE : Set self.debug to True if you want to see what is generally going on with the simulation