
pandas documentation :


matplotlib documentation:


seaporn documentation :


data cleaning


sessions plan link

session 1

the task is three parts:
- numpy
- pandas
- statistics
every part contains three files:
- notebook tutorial
- extras
- exercises
> exercises must be submitted through google classroom

session 2

the task is two parts:
- matplotlib
- seaborn

session 3

task 3

practice video 1

practice video 2

playlist for powerbi and ML

power bi dashboard

session 4

task 4

What is Machine Learning?

1. Summarize chapter 1 from the book Hands on ML
2. Write a brief passage about ML meaning in your own words
3. propose an idea you can apply using ML

session 5

boxblot tuturial

1. prepare a report on ML life cycle
2. complete exercises
3. read chapter 2 page 96 to page 176

session 6

1. prepare a report on ML life cycle
2. complete exercises
3. read chapter 2 page 176 to page 192

session 7

task 7

diamonds regression project:
1. build a regression model
2. well documented analysis +visualization