(c) 11/2019-07/2023 : P10 beamline, DESY PHOTON SCIENCE.
(c) Since 08/2023 : Chinese Academy of Science, Insitute of high energy physics.
If you use this package, please consider cite this github page! Thanks a lot!
- email01: renzhe@ihep.ac.cn
- email02: renzhetu001@gmail.com
- email03: xuhan@ihep.ac.cn
pyCXIM stands for python scripts for coherent X-ray imaging methods.
It contains modules for:
+ Reading scans at different beamlines, e.g. p10 (desy), p08 (desy), nanoMAX(MAX IV), 1w1a(BSRF).
+ Converting detector images in rocking curves to three dimensional reciprocal space maps for the preparation of phase retrieval process.
+ Performing phase retrieval and simple post-processing.
+ Creating and modifing information file in a text format.
pyCXIM can be used as a python library with the following main modules:
- 1. :mod: 'scan_reader': Read the scand from different beamlines.
- 2. :mod: 'RSM': Convert the two dimensional detector images to the three dimensional reciprocal space maps, and perform calibration for the six cirlce diffractometers.
- 3. :mod: 'phase_retrieval': Perform the phase retrieval and simple post processing of the solutions.
- 4. :mod: 'Common': Generate the information file.
In the scripts folder, you can find scripts for different data treatment processes.
We would like to acknowledge the BCDI package from Jerome Carnis. Some of the functions were adapted from this package.