
This repository is a Homebrew tap for Khan Academy tools and backported core formula. These formula are all known to work on both Linux and macOS.

As it's a private repository, in order to tap it you'll need to use the full form:

$ brew tap khan/repo git@github.com:Khan/homebrew-repo.git



  • Repository
  • HEAD-only, install with brew install --HEAD arcanist

Our arcanist wrapper.

Note that the formula version disables the code that would normally auto-update the arcanist repository. In order to update you'll need to brew update ; brew reinstall arcanist


  • Repository
  • HEAD-only, install with brew install --HEAD git-workflow

A collection of scripts that can be called via git, see the linked repository for details.


  • Repository
  • HEAD-only, install with brew install --HEAD khan-linter

A super-linter-runner...or something like that. It can be called via ka-lint.


The protobuf compiler and well-known types pinned to the version we currently depend on (3.4). This formula is simpler than the protobuf in homebrew-core since it doesn't build anything; instead it downloads a cross-platform release binary.


A backport of the last python@2 from homebrew core with a couple of minor changes, notably that it doesn't install unversioned names such as python or pip, only python2 and pip2.


The simplest way to test new formula, or additions to formula, is to use linuxbrew. Run ./linuxbrew-docker.sh to get a shell inside of a docker container preconfigured with linuxbrew. Once in there, brew tap khan/repo /taps/khanbrew, and then you can install the formula.

Note that making changes to the formula will require committing the change on the host and then running brew update in the guest.

Once you've tweaked the formula and know that it works, you should rebase your changes into a single commit.

You should also test, if possible, on macOS. If you've cloned this repository to ~/Code/khansrc/homebrew-repo for instance, you can brew tap khan/repo ~/Code/khansrc/homebrew-repo. If you've already tapped this repository from GitHub, you can brew untap khan/repo and then re-tap the clone.