
Mock requests library like HTTPToolkit in python3

Primary LanguagePython


Mock requests library like HTTPToolkit in python3


pip install reqMock


Original code

import requests

Import in first line of code

from reqMock import mockControl as mock

Enable mock

# To enable mock
mock.set(enable = True)

# To disable mock
mock.set(enable = False)

Mock https://google.com to another website

	url = "https://google.com",	# mock 'from'
	method = "GET",			# method 'from'
	mockCheck = "url",			# method mock ('host', 'url', 'match')
	mockMethod = "url",			# mock to 'url' or 'text'
	to = "https://youtube.com",	# data

Mock https://youtube.com to custom result

	url = "https://youtube.com",
	method = "GET",	
	mockCheck = "url",	
	mockMethod = "text",
	to = "Hello World!"

Enable showQuery to print info from requests

mock.set(showQuery = True)		# Default is False

# You will see output requests like this 
# ">> requests: GET: https://google.com (headers={'abc': 'def'})" and below is result output

Enable showResult to print result output from requests

mock.set(showResult = True)		# Default is False

# You will see output requests like this 
# ">> result: GET: https://google.com" and below is result output

Redirect output of show to file

mock.set(stdout = open('out.txt', 'w'))

# Output of 'show' option will write to file instead of write to output

If you want to rename this module for hide from check

# Open a python3 shell
from reqMock import mockControl as mock

# Example change module name from 'reqMock' to 'Khanh'
mock.set(moduleName = "Khanh")
# Choose 'y' and new name will applied in new session

# For new session, import it by using new name
from Khanh import mockControl as mock