
A common library for mods to use, to making updating and creating new mods easier.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


A common library for my Minecraft mods to use, to make updating and creating new mods easier and reducing code duplication.

Links and Downloads

Note on Downloads

I only upload builds to Minecraft CurseForge. If you downloaded the mod from somewhere other than Curse/CurseForge or the Twitch launcher (or as part of a modpack in some cases), I cannot make any guarantees about the file or its contents, as it was uploaded without my permission.


To use Silent Lib in your project, add the following to your build.gradle.

You alse need to generate a GitHub token and add it along with your GitHub username to your personal gradle.properties file in C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\.gradle or ~/.gradle/gradle.properties. This file may not exist, and you would have to create it yourself.

GitHub tokens can be generated here. Click Generate New Token and click the checkmark for read:packages

Example of gradle.properties file in C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\.gradle or ~/.gradle/gradle.properties

//Your GitHub username

// Your GitHub generated token (bunch of hex digits) with read permission

Code to add to build.gradle

repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/silentchaos512/silentlib")
        credentials {
            username = property('gpr.username')
            password = property('gpr.token')
    maven {
        url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/silentchaos512/silent-utils")
        credentials {
            username = property('gpr.username')
            password = property('gpr.token')
dependencies {
    // Replace VERSION with the version you need, in the form of "MC_VERSION-MOD_VERSION"
    // Example: compile fg.deobf("net.silentchaos512:silentlib:1.16.3-4.+")
    // Available builds can be found here: https://github.com/SilentChaos512/silentlib/packages
    compile fg.deobf("net.silentchaos512:silent-lib:VERSION") {
        exclude module: "forge"