# Personal Portfolio Website ## Description This is a personal portfolio website showcasing my skills, projects, and experiences as a software developer. It features a clean and responsive design, making it accessible on both desktop and mobile devices. ## Technologies Used - HTML5 - CSS3 - Font Awesome for icons - Responsive Design (Flexbox and Grid) ## Installation Instructions 1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/KhanyiCodes 2. Navigate to the project directory: cd 3. Usage: Open the index.html file in any web browser. You can navigate through the different sections, including Home, About, Skills, and Contact, using the navigation menu. 4. File Structure: /personal-portfolio │ ├── index.html # Main HTML file ├── styles.css # CSS file for styling └── images/ # Directory for images and logos ## Features: Smooth scrolling navigation Responsive design Downloadable resume/CV Links to social media profiles (GitHub, LinkedIn) Responsive Design: The website is fully responsive, ensuring a great experience on any device. Hero Section: Highlights my skills and provides a brief introduction. About Section: Details my educational background and certifications. Skills Section: Showcases my technical skills with visual progress bars. Contact Section: Provides a way for visitors to get in touch with me and includes links to my social profiles. ## Contact If you have any questions or project ideas, feel free to reach out: Email: rebaone02khanyi@gmail.com GitHub: KhanyiCodes LinkedIn: Rebaone Khanyisile Cynthia Vilakazi My live link: https://khanyicodes.github.io/Personal-Portfoilo/