
A Matlab toolbox for UG student

Primary LanguageMatlab

I create this branch with the following steps (see How to Create a New and Empty Branch in Git)

  1. Create a bland branch named as demo

     $ git checkout --orphan demo
  2. Remove all files in git

     $ git rm -rf
  3. Edit .gitignore to ignore the files

  4. Add README.md into new branch

     $ touch README.md
     $ git add .
  5. Commit to the new branch

     $ git commit -m "init commit"

The original master was deleted from GitHub with the following steps

  1. Log into GitHub and find your repository

  2. Click on the Admin button and set the default branch to demo

Now you are free to delete the master branch. See Deleting your master branch — pydagogue 0.2 documentation