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Documentation 21edbf88dbb75ea1b0a902b9099cc357[1].png

Prepare DB

  1. Create database with name "code_care_task" (without quotes);
  2. Set your MySQL auth parameters in .env file
  3. Open cmd and move to root project directory
    • Run migrations by artisan command (php artisan migrate)
    • Run seeds (php artisan db:seed)


  1. Open cmd and move to root project directory
    • Run composer (composer install), and wait until all packages will be downloaded

Task Scheduling

Task, which creates XML file from users info - located in \App\Console\Commands\CreateXMLUsers namespace. XML file will be stored at storage/app/users.xml

To start the scheduler, you must create a cron job on your server manualy, and run * * * * * php /path/to/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1, where php is path to php.exe, and where /path/to/artisan is path to php artisan.

Or, you can move to /cron directory from root folder, edit crontab file, and replace some paths. After this, you can run scheduler by executing crontab.exe binary.