
*note: this repo omits the library files output from Unity-Vuforia for their large size. In order for this build to work, the 'Libraries' folder should be added to the root folder.

The 'Libraries' can be found here:

Video Demo

Video Demo

Project Description

Ukiyo-e AR is an iOS app for interactive information display in augmented reality that allows you to scan and access a collection of Ukiyo-e re-creation by contemporary artists. The displayed information is a collection of Unity game objects projected on Vuforia image targets.

This application was developed by Huopu Zhang and Minzi Long using Unity 2018.2, Vuforia and Xcode (Swift and Objective-C). The art pieces used in this application are credited to Japanese artist Segawa Thirty-seven, Singapore illustrator Sokkuan Tye and 3d scenario by Minzi and Huopu.

Hardware Requirements

iPhone 6S or up.

*Currently not optimized for big screens of iPhone X or later models.

System/Software Requirements

iOS 12.1 or later Xcode 9.0 or up for successful build

App Walkthrough

  1. Open the ‘Ukiyo-e AR’ app from your home screen. You should be directed to the welcome page.
  2. Swipe left to go to the instruction page and hit ‘Enter’ to access the AR camera
  3. Wait for Unity to load. Meanwhile, if you see some paintings on a black background, wait until it disappears. This should take no more than several seconds.
  4. Go to the ‘Target Images’ folder and open one of the images. Display it on your computer or any other device so that you can scan them with your phone.
  5. Activate the AR by scanning on the image.
  6. Try this on different images in the ‘Target Images’ folder. Images 1-3 are static display/ images 4-6 are dynamic/ image 7 is a 3D display with a virtual button.
  7. Special note for image 7. You can move your finger on the ‘Touch Me’ button (on the original image, not on your phone). You should be able to see dynamic effects.
  8. To view the developers’ information, click on the lower right button.
  9. To view museum exhibition calendar, click on the lower left button.
  10. To go back to the instruction page, click on the back button.
  11. In the exhibition calendar page, you can click on each of the button/cards to get further information.


Ukiyo-e AR is an iOS app for interactive information display in augmented reality that allows you to scan and access a collection of Ukiyo-e re-creation by contemporary artists on the same painting.


  • Image Recognition:
  • Vuforia
  • AR Development:
  • Unity, C#
  • iOS Development:
  • Xcode 10, Objective-C, Swift *UI/UX:
  • Sketch, Zeplin


  • Image Recognition: Using Unity/Vuforia Engine for image recognition, 2D target tracking and exporting as unity packages.
  • AR Platform: Using Unity and Vuforia AR camera to assembly the component and to build animation. Implementing one C# script in Unity to control the effect of a virtual button.
  • iOS development: Using Xcode storyboards and swift/Obj-c scripts to set up the framework of the end product – an iOS app. Based on precedents, realizing the embedment of our Unity component into our iOS native app through Obj-c scripting in AppDelegate and critical View Controllers.
  • UI/UX Sketch for UI/UX design and Zeplin for cutting component for Xcode.


*Daniel Arantes Loverde – ‘Unity 5 Vuforia 6 and iOS native integration’ *Jiulong Wang – ‘Integrating Unity Project into Xcode Swift Project’ *IrionEqual - ‘How to embed a Unity game into an iOS native Swift App?” e-swift-app-772a0b65c82 *Ryan Norris – ‘How to Create a Card Layout in Swift (UICollectionView)?’


The art pieces used in this application are credited to Japanese artist Segawa Thirty-seven, Singaporean illustrator Sokkuan Tye.