libmonome v1.2: libmonome is a library for easy interaction with monome devices. It currently runs on Linux (on which it is primarily developed), OpenBSD, and Darwin/OS X. It was developed to make monome devices easy to use with programming languages like C and Python, and adding wrappers for use in your favorite language with a suitable FFI is straightforward. libmonome has support for 40h and series devices through a unified API, and by default includes a third backend which wraps around the OSC protocol and presents the same API as a physical device. This means that a program written using libmonome can, at runtime, decide whether to communicate with a running monomeserial instance over OSC or whether to access the physical device directly. build like: $ ./waf configure $ ./waf $ sudo ./waf install libmonome was written by william light (visinin on the monome forums). You can contact him at <>.