
Window Shopping Website for viewing latest electronics products according to brand, price. Adding a way to analyse products by reviews of other users and a platform to share personal experience about products.

Primary LanguageEJS

Table of Content:

Running this project locally on your computer:

Pre-requisite: MongoDB and Node.js should be installed on your device

1. Download and extract the repository
2. create a file with the name ".env" in the directory where app.js exist
3. Paste the below line in the file
DB_URL = "mongodb+srv://iwp:dave@cluster0.r8hc1im.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
4. on the terminal travel to the path where app.js exist
5. run "npm install"
6. run "node app.js"
7. You should see a message saying 
"Window Shopping App server is started in port 3000
Database connected"
8. If the above message doesn't show up then try running the following command then retry all the steps from step-5
npm i  dotenv ejs express express-sanitizer mongoose body-parser
9. Go to your browser then type "localhost:3000"
10. The website should run now


This website platform serves as a medium to share your opinion on any product. Can be used by product designers to host their product online and get reviews from people who read about it. The main idea is to get reviews from potential-customers and critics about the product right from the designing stage.

Frameworks and Tools used:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Mongodb
  • Nodejs
  • Express
  • Express Body-Parser
  • Express Sanitizer
  • EJS



  • Brands: list of the brands and their corresponding image sources.
  • Category: list of the categories and their correspoding image sources.
  • Products: All the products added to the database are stored here.


  • Contains brand-name, category, title, image-source, description and array of ratings
  • The products reviews array are accessed in the product page with most recent review appearing first
  • The recently added review is inserted in the 0-th index using unshift function
  • product is uniquely identified using the _id attribute which is randomly initialized



Contains modules in javascript that create or load the collection into a variable.


Contains CSS and Javascript files for website body.


Calls specific controller to handle a request from the client.


Contains function processing the request and then either rendering the new page or redirecting the request to other page.


Contains EJS scripts which load the data from the database and display on the website in a ordered manner. Also contains a Partials folder which has ejs script for reusable peice of code like the header and the footer.



  1. Homepage has fixed navigation bar with links to home, all new, and about.
  2. Slideshow which changes the slide when next or prev button is clicked.
  3. Subsequently followed by rows that contain upto 6 product cards.
  4. Ends with the footer.

Note: Show by brand, show by category, show by sorted order, and show all use the same EJS and css file. This is achieved by passing relavant product like from the controller.

All Page:

Shows all the products present in the database.

Show by Brand

Loads all the products from the specific brand.

Show by Category

Loads all the products from the specific category.

Product Page

Loads the details of the product along with the review about the product. There is also a div to add review to the product. The review is automatically saved to the database of the product that the review was written.

New Product

Lets the client add product to the database. the product is instantly added and can be viewed in the latest for the brand list on Homepage.


Contains information about the website.
