ITI Android Automotive Track Repository


Welcome to the ITI Android Automotive Track repository! This repository contains tasks, labs, and projects completed during the course, focusing on Android Automotive development, C++ programming, Linux administration, and Makefile usage.

Explore the directories and projects included in this repository to delve into various aspects of Android Automotive and related technologies.

Directory Structure

├── 00_Linux_Admin/  # Linux administration tasks and scripts
├── 01_Cpp/          # Tasks and labs specific to C++ programming
├── 02_Makefile/     # Projects related to Makefile usage and organization
└──        # This README file providing an overview


Linux Administration (00_Linux_Admin)

Explore tasks and scripts focusing on Linux administration, covering essential commands and automation techniques.

C++ Tasks and Labs (01_Cpp)

Tasks and labs designed to enhance skills in C++ programming, covering fundamental and advanced topics.

Makefile Projects (02_Makefile)

Projects demonstrating the usage and organization of Makefiles for efficient project management and compilation.


  • Basic understanding of Linux commands and administration for 00_Linux_Admin.
  • Knowledge of C++ programming for 01_Cpp.
  • Familiarity with Makefiles for 02_Makefile.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to a Specific Directory:

    Choose a directory of interest (00_Linux_Admin, 01_Cpp, 02_Makefile) and explore the projects and tasks within.

  3. Explore and Execute Projects:

    Each directory contains README files providing specific instructions for running projects and tasks.


  • Adjust paths (/path/to/your/project) in commands as per your local setup.
  • For any questions or assistance, refer to the README files within each directory