

JetBrains Academy HyperSkill Java Developer

Link: https://hyperskill.org/curriculum

I. Introduction to Java

Key Feture: Platform independence "Write once, Run anywhere"

Used: Android, Finacial Service Industry, Telecomunication, Embedded Systems, Medical Applications.

Java has: Garbage Collector-> Automatic cleans the memory from unused ubjects during runtime.

Primary an imperativ language based on OOP concepts: almost every part of the program is an object. U can say it's a full interaction between objects.

Support Modern Programming Paradigms:

  • Generic Programming
  • Concurrent Programming
  • Functional Programming

II. Literals

Values of different datatypes are called literals.

Integer Literals

0, 1, 3, 10, 1000, 1500

For more readability we an use ' _ ' symbol. Example: 1000235745 -> 1_000_235_745

Character Literals

A single character represent a letter , a number, a symbol using a Single Quote 'A', 'C', '7', '!', '$', " ", '_'.

Don't confuse 7 with '7' those are not the same.

A Character can't include 2 or more digits, letters, symbols because it represent only one Character.

Incorrect Character Liteals: '123', 'abc'

String Literls

Sequence of Characters. They represent text information.

To Write a String we use Double Quotes " "

"Text I want to learn Java."


Do not confuse literals.

123 is Integer || "123" is String

'A' is Char || "A" is String

'1' is Char || 1 is Integer

III. Overview of the basic program

Hello World

class Main{
    public static void main(String [] args){
        System.out.println("Hello, Tony!");

Basic Terminology:

Program: a sequence of instructions called "Statements" executed one by one, in order from top to bot.

Statement: a single action terminated by a ;

Block: a group of 0 or more statements enclosed by {...}.

Method: a sequence of staments that represent a high-level operation(known as subprogram or procedure).

Syntax: a set of rules that define how the program should be writed.

Keywords: a word that have a specific meaning in the programming language(public, class). Can't be used as names for variables or functions.

Identifier: a word that refer to something in the program(such as variable name or function name).

Comment: a textual explanation of what code does. Comments are ignored at runtine. Comments start with // single-line

WhiteSpace: all characters that are not visible(space, tab, newline).

III.1 The HelloWorld Program under the Microscope

class Main{
    public static void main(String [] args){
        System.out.println("Hello, Tony!");

1. public class

It's the basic unit of program. Every Java program must have at least one class.

A class can have any name 'App', 'Main', 'Program' but it must not start with a digit.

A set of Braches {...} enclose the body of a class.