
Data Exploration

In the data exploration section, users can explore different aspects of the data:
  • Data Content: Users can view the contents of the dataset, including the values in each row and column.
  • Data Visualization: Users can visualize the data using various plots such as correlation plots, bar plots, interactive maps, and customizable plots. These visualizations provide insights into the dataset and help understand the relationships between different variables.
  • Image Similarity Model Deployment

    Once users click on the "Get Listing" button, the app deploys an image similarity model to provide relevant recommendations. Here's how it works:
    1. An image of the listing, along with all the details, is uploaded for the selected listing.
    2. As users scroll down, they can see a list of similar listings along with their URLs. These URLs allow users to visit the listings and access all the details for their desired stay.
    The image similarity model uses advanced techniques, including cosine similarity, to analyze and compare images based on their visual features. It leverages the power of deep learning and computer vision algorithms to identify similarities and recommend listings that share similar visual characteristics.

    The goal of this feature is to help users discover alternative options that match their preferences, allowing them to explore similar listings that they may find appealing for their accommodation needs.

    Please note that the availability and accuracy of the recommendations depend on the quality and diversity of the dataset, as well as the visual information provided by the listing images.

    Feel free to explore the app and make the most of its features. Enjoy your journey of discovering and finding the perfect Airbnb listings!

    You can customize and expand upon this description based on your specific Streamlit app and its functionalities.

    Check out the app now here šŸ¤©: https://explore-airbnb-images.streamlit.app/