A very basic format for packing resources into a single file.

Primary LanguageC


A very basic single-header C/C++ library for packing resources into a single file.
The library is not the most optimized but it is works for it's purpose.


The library is easily used, with a couple of examples(and more to be added), and it is very powerful.
A basic loading script could be built as such:

bpf_file_t file_deserialized = bpf_deserialize_memory(filedata); // Load file from memory. File loading is not supported yet.
bpf_file_data_t fetched = bpf_read(file_deserialized, "test");   // Load the data of resource called "test" from bpf_read.
char* data = fetched.data; // Fetch the data
unsigned int size = fetched.size; // Fetch the size of the data

This isnt the best explanation in the world, but i hope it helps. There is also code for making and serializing files.

If you want better explanations, just create an issue asking for help, or join our discord(the openability discord)!
There are also examples if needed of course just check the examples folder!