
Course Assignment Project in Singapore Polytechnic.

Pacman recreation using Panda3D & Box2D for Collisions


No Installation Required. Just Git clone or direct download


  1. Install Panda3D in Redist
  2. Fix Audio Bug: Open Panda3D Config file in {panda root}\etc\Config.prc
  3. Search and replace "audio-library-name p3openal_audio" to "audio-library-name p3fmod_audio"
  4. Run in Panda3Ds' preinstlal python(python 2.7) using CLI


System Controls

F1 - Wireframe Mode
F2 - No Texture Mode
F3 - Debug Mode: shows hitbox and directional axis

Player Controls

W - Move Up
A - Move Left
S - Move Down
D - Move Right

Player Controls

Mouse LeftClick + Drag Up Down - Zoom In/Out
Mouse LeftClick + Drag Left Right - Pan Left/Right 
Mouse RightClick + Drag Up Down - Pan Up/Down
Mouse Middle Button + Drag - RotateCamera (not recommand to use)


  • Game loads on start and Camera Controls are active while on main menu


  • Other versions of python might not work properly

Dev Notes

  • Movement of Player & Ghost is done using Box2D which introduce floating point positions

  • Converts floating point position to Grid based Maze coordinates is tricky with floating point precisions

  • Movement thoughout the maze is also affected

  • Ghost AI is done using FSM