Language : Indonesia
Contains a desktop application to pay school fees.
Operating system I use: Windows 11
Required Software:
- Visual Studio 2019
- SQL Server 18
- Clone this repo or download this repo.
- [IMPORT DATABASE] Look at the database SQL Server from stuff folder in this repo (stuff/db_spp.bacpac)
- [IMPORT DATABASE] In SQL Server (Right Click)Databases -> Import Data-tier Application -> and then Import from local disk -> select
During import database, name the database as db_spp
- [OPEN PROJECT] Open the
file (AplikasiPembayaranSpp.2.0.0.sln) - [OPEN PROJECT] In Visual Studio go to Server Explorer
- [CONNECT TO DATABASE] Data Connection -> (Right Click)Add Connection -> Connect to your SQL Server database and select the Server Name and connect to database db_spp
- Then enjoy the application.
Login Page as Administrator
ID : 878
Username : Aakhif
Password : admin
Login Page as Petugas
ID : 676
Username : Aakhif
Password : petugas
Login Page as Student
NISN : 1234567890
Nama : Aakhif
ID SPP : 342