The task has two parts:
First part:
Create a good design with a strong validation for the fields below. Also, add a JS mask to the date of birth and phone number.
Required Fields:
- First Name, [minimum three characters]
- Last Name, [minimum three characters]
- Date of Birth, [ format 01/01/2000 ]
- Email Address,
- Phone Number [ format (999) 999-9999]
- Favorite sports [checkbox]
Second part:
Using any programming language [PHP preferable ] build a simple web-application that save information into the database and then manage it. Create pages to show:
Add Page -> To add a student record to the database.
View Page -> To Show all the records.
Managing Page -> To Show all records, edit and/or delete records.
Make sure to add validation to the all input fields. After you are done, please email us the zip containing all files and the dump of the database.
- Set up a server with Docker and MySQL (Ansible, GitHub Actions);
- Create frontend app (Vue 3, JavaScript);
- Create backend app (FastAPI, Python, Swagger, Alembic);
- Create database (MySQL 8.0);
- Create pipeline ( GitHub -> GitHub Actions -> Docker).
(Requirements: Python >= 3.9, npm >= 8.11)
- Install and run MySQL 8.0 server on your computer.
- In MySQL 8.0 create database "students" and create user "teacher" with password and all privileges.
- Add environment variables:
TEST_SERVER_DB_PASSWORD - add database user's password
- Download project to your computer.
- Open project folder "backend" in terminal and run next commands:
pip install -r requirements.txt
alembic upgrade head
uvicorn main:app --reload
- Use suggested link to use the backend part with nested Swagger documentation(e.g.
- Open project folder "frontend" in terminal and run next commands:
npm install
npm run serve
- Use suggested link to use the backend part with nested Swagger documentation(e.g. http://localhost:8080/).
(Requirements: CPU 1 x 3.3GHz, RAM 1GB, HDD > 10GB, Ubuntu 20.04)
- Run a server with a root login and password.
- Create a GITHUB personal access token (
- Generate on your local machine SSH key pair.
- Fork GITHUB repository -
- In your nearly created repository add secrets (Settings -> Secrets -> Actions secrets).
TEST_SERVER_HOST (ip address only. E.g.
TEST_SERVER_LOGIN (root, early created on step 1)
TEST_SERVER_PASSWORD (early created on step 1)
TEST_SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY (early created on step 3)
TEST_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY (early created on step 3)
TEST_SERVER_DB_PASSWORD (think up a password)
- Run workflows in GitHub Actions:
"Settings up the server"
"Start application"
- Open browser and go to your ip address (E.g. - for frontend, E.g. for Swagger documentation).
Vue 3 (JavaScript, Options API) with bootstrap, vue cli, router, vuex, axios ... On local machine you may use "npm run serve" command to run or build Docker Multi-Stage Image.
In GitHub Actions you may use workflow - Auto deploy frontend - for automatic deployment on push. Or you can run this workflow manually.
FastAPI (Python 3.9) with Swagger documentation, SQLAlchemy, Alembic (migrations)... On local machine you may use "uvicorn main:app --reload" command to run or build Docker Image.
In GitHub Actions you may use workflow - Auto deploy backend - for automatic deployment on push. Or you can run this workflow manually.
Ansible installs (by roles) on your server:
- Docker.
- MySQL 8.0 (configuring, with adding database "students" and user "teacher").
- SSH (this role performs some basic security configuration:
- Install software to monitor bad SSH access (fail2ban).
- Configure SSH to be more secure (disabling root login, requiring key-based authentication, and allowing a custom SSH port to be set).
- Set up automatic updates.
Start - To start your application by Build and Push images in GitHub container registry, and then run it on your server. Stop - To stop your application by stopping running containers and deleting images.
Automatically triggered workflows "on push" in folders "frontend" or "backend".
Run workflow manually to create dump file (dump.sql).